How do you imagine your fellow COBOT members?

I lol'd hard :lol:
hahaha, the pics of Vik are funny. Actually, i'v never seen a pic of him. Show me one! Don't worry, i won't stalk you. Why am i alwayz imagained as a pop star?
Swabs plays/played tennis, and is muscular especially in the arm department. He likes to show them off and I think it proves he's confident with his body, and that he's not overweight.

It's not as if I actively try to show them off like The Nerevarine (I forgot his name :cry:) does :lol:
you are 15. you don't have muscles. you're a wimp. you're the worst troll ever.

that's all.
You're an adult. You're a wimp who cosplays because he still doesn't have a boyfriend. You wish you were a vampire when you've somehow wound up on this forum as an internet failed hero with a God complex. You also haven't seen any pictures of me revealing any part of my bodily muscle, due to the mass amount of photos I take of my face and torso, whilst wearing baggy clothing.
That's all.