How do you like your coffee? "Blacker than the Blackest black!"

in the woods... - heart of the ages has to be my fav black metal record of all times.

ulver - bergtatt is great
emperor (anthems)
burzum (hvis lyset tar oss & filosofem)

of newer stuff i liked deathspell omega
mayhem - ordo ad chao too.

yeah all of this

I can say that Abigail Williams is one of the worst.

that is an understatement, truely an insult to terrible bands everywhere, what a garbage band they are :lol:

also diabolical masquerade ov course :), old behemoth is actually pretty good too (pagan vastlands << grom)
Not a huge fan of traditional BM, but bands I've gotten into include Enslaved, Drudkh, Negura Bunget, WITTR, Deathspell Omega, Ihsahn. Emperor in the past, but haven't listened to them in years. I just picked up a Blut Aus Nord album, but haven't really gotten into it yet.

Also not really BM, but related IMO: Alcest and Agalloch. I like the more atmospheric, experimental/prog side of BM. Also the folkier stuff. Always open-minded and on the lookout for other bands.
If you're including Non Serviam, then:
Weakling (essential), the gault, ruins of beverast, code, coldworld, darkspace, the new deathspell omega is stunning.
My coffee is getter less black with time it seems. No bands I used to listen to are good anymore. The only band left is Cradle Of Filth (don't bother with the "isn't BM discussion").
Immortal..I can listen to sometimes. Earliest Satyricon is still good..when he understood that he should use some folk elements in his BM. DarkThrone will always be a favourite..
My favorites at the moment are things along the lines of:

Bathory, Destroyer 666, Burzum, Deathspell Omega, Beherit, Darkthrone, Gorgoroth, Mayhem, Immortal, Aeternus, Sacramentum, Sarcofago, Inquisition, Varathron, Hail, Nokturnal Mortum, Sorcier Des Glaces, etc. etc.

These songs specifically epitomize the genre imo:

Bathory - A Fine Day to Die
Burzum - Det Som En Gang Var
Bathory - Enter The Eternal Fire
Destroyer 666 - Genesis to Genocide
Deathspell Omega - Drink The Devil's Blood
Sarcofago - Christ's Death
Gorgoroth - Crushing the Sceptre
Nokturnal Mortum - Lunar Poetry
Beherit - All In Satan

I'm sure I'm forgetting loads
I dont think that I'm going to bring anything new to the table but here is some black metal I enjoy. Some of them are as you can hear not pure black metal bands.

Deathspell Omega


Wolves In The Throne Room




Ikuinen Kaamos
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Finally heard the new Inquisition...probably in the top 5 list for me this's a few tracks:

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I think they are part of the charm of the band. I agree with someone else that said they are like another instrument in the band. Some real memorable riffing in there.
And I agree there are tons of shitty vocalists in black metal (I mean a "normal" person would find them all atrocious), but I always thought the vocals were always the most real...very sincere. My favorite example is Henke Forss from Dawn:

And had to show this too...though the vocals aren't as loud as they should be, just notice the complete fucking hatred he's spewing, I love it.

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And I agree there are tons of shitty vocalists in black metal (I mean a "normal" person would find them all atrocious), but I always thought the vocals were always the most real...very sincere. My favorite example is Henke Forss from Dawn:

yeah, i use the term shitty almost as a term of endearment in general, like how grindcore is kinda shitty, but thats part of what makes it great

dawn are fucking awesome!
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Putting sugar in your coffee (in any quantity) is always worse than milk (in any quantity). Just for the record.


I like norwegian shit (a bit everything really, up til the latest enslaved stuff, starting in the early 90s) and deathspell omega. The suicidal black I find a bit gay.