Why do you like black metal?

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Well, their image isn't exactly Black Metal, but their sound is quite a bit like Black Metal. That is the kind of Black Metal I like. I tend to dislike the Black Metal bands that sound 100% the same from eachother.

I like Black Metal bands like, Anoerxia Nervosa, Windir, Old Man's Child, Dimmu Borgir, Forefather, Limbonic Art, Lord Belial, Rotting Christ, Dissection, Arcturus, and Asgaroth.
my main interest is for the unlimited expirimentation that you find in only a handful of genres these days. It intrigues me that bands can come up with so many variations that are often loosely tied together. favorites of mine include Dimmu Borgir, Dissection, Blut Aus Nord, Summoning, Deathspell Omega, Drudkh, Axis of Perdition, Emperor. Atmosphere if used right slays expirimentation though \m/
Some of my reasons are the passion, the commitment, the overall seriousness, the dedication, the devotion, the sound, the compositions, the lyrics (only of the orthodox satanic bands), etc.
It sounds good to my ears. This, to me, is the only relevant reason to listen to music.
I like the epicness and the fact that it's not bubblegum and doesn't get tasteless after awhile. Also the compositions are superb. The more minimalistic music induce a trance that while it sounds repetitive, it sounds great. The lyrics are also good, though I don't really care for Satanic or National Socialist idealogies, the lyrics are written well and fit the music. Also, in black metal(the bands I listen to anyway), there isn't any wankery involved because the musicians play what fits the music, unlike death metal or thrash where which it's common to be playing a completely useless solo or riff.
thefuzmixman said:
this is seriously an attempt to understand. the more music i listen to the better metal, the darker it gets. It spooks me. I just come from too different of a world to be able to embrace most of it, in some senses. I live a crappy life and feel that there are many things wrong with the world we live in today, but im also about correcting it. Not obsessing over it. From listening to what ive heard, reading the articles ive read, and checking out some lyrics, i can do nothing more then to define this music as evil.

Let's hear some educated responses. Im not here to bash this music. Im here to seriously understand this passion you have for something so dark. Im a very open-minded person. The first few black metal songs i heard left a bad taste in my mouth, yet still I persue more of it...

First a "Why do you hate nu-metal" and now this? Wtf are you doing writing an expose on underground metal fans?
First off, the black metal I like (im not that big on the genre, but its growing on me) just SOUNDS GOOD. Thats the key reason why I listen to it. But I love the atmosphere and the whole majestic feel of it. Definitely evokes my imagination.
I'm just starting to get into it so people have to bare with me if im BM illiterate lol .. but I like Dimmu even though they are the lighter side of BM i think... but much like everyone else its the so called "atmosphere" that I like about it so far... much like when i first heard Black Sabbath as a teenager and heard the song Black Sabbath or seen the movie The Exorcist (the original one and back in the day when it first came out .. im a old man so by today's standards of horror movies it may not be the same).. you liked how it made you feel.. scared, curious,imagination about being in that song or movie, the drama of it all.. etc... like i said atmosphere and what everyone else said.. but if you want to try it out and get into it .. i say try the lighter bands first like Dimmu and Cradle of Filth (though i dont listen to CoF so I wouldnt know what album of theirs is good or not) and work your way up from their to the more brutal and heavier bands that others mention on this forum like Mayhem, 1349, Old Man's Child,Satyricon, Sargeist, Windir.. maybe even go from old school BM like Bathory, Venom etc.. and then Dimmu, Emperor, Immortal then Mayhem , Dark Funeral, Darkthrone etc.. etc.. start with it's origins and work your way up to the present.. you dont have to be a Satanist , Fascist, Viking to enjoy a music genre.. much like Doden said if it sounds good to you then it is regardless of the lyrics...
thefuzmixman said:
this is seriously an attempt to understand. the more music i listen to the better metal, the darker it gets. It spooks me. I just come from too different of a world to be able to embrace most of it, in some senses. I live a crappy life and feel that there are many things wrong with the world we live in today, but im also about correcting it. Not obsessing over it. From listening to what ive heard, reading the articles ive read, and checking out some lyrics, i can do nothing more then to define this music as evil.

Let's hear some educated responses. Im not here to bash this music. Im here to seriously understand this passion you have for something so dark. Im a very open-minded person. The first few black metal songs i heard left a bad taste in my mouth, yet still I persue more of it...

Educated answer won't come here.

Black Metal as it is today was formed by bands in scandinavia. A cold area of the world many people in modern society think about on a daily basis. Most of the bands have been influenced by their surroundings which can be found in the music. If you read the black metal lyrics i've written it really has to do with the atmospheres where i live. I live in northern united states where winters are harsh, and cold with at least 1-5 feet of snow a year. The cold surroundings allow me to relate with lyrical concepts of black metal when a band says "as i walk through the freezing woods, warm blood being only heat" etc etc.

The music's evil and atmospheric presence is another thing that interests me in black metal. Why most people won't understand i can relate to that sort of power and the imagry is intense for an imagination as vivid and descriptive as mine. So evil is necessary to extremes for me to enjoy black metal. Black metal is an aquired taste taking special ears to enjoy.
Try Sweden, Finland, and France, among other places, who have Black Metal scenes just as large. The Norwegian scene gets way too much credit.
I listen to black metal b/c it's either full of aggression or full of ambience. There is no other style of metal that encompasses all the different moods than black metal can. For example, Burzum can be ambient as hell, Darkthrone or Immortal get very raw, and Weakling and Nargaroth get epic while still being aggressive at the same time.

It's by far my favorite genre of metal.
I find death metal to be far more aggressive, but I almost totally missed the ambience.

...And Oceans, anyone?
I really like it, but i just dont see the talent in it. All is it is to me is just such basic guitar that i myself could do. Its nothing special in terms of talented musicians go. I really see all of the techniques they use are extremely basic.

But i really like it. Maybe i am just missing something in the music that makes it hard to create, but it just seems simple to me. Is that just the way it is, easy to create, but hard to make real good? Is that why their is just a ton of boring BM bands?

I dont want to offend anyone, but that is just how a lot of it seems.

I love the atmosphere it creates though, so evil. But sometimes its too evil for me, especially when im doing psychedelics. I get really fucked up when i do that.
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