Why do you like black metal?

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Scourge of Malice said:
hahahah how could you listen to black metal while tripping? i would never even think to do that :)

ive done it, it just freaks me the fuck out :hypno:

I would rather happy stuff when im trippin, like all of the stoner bands (you know, pink floyd, gratefull dead) and then my favorite music to trip to, Devin Townsend.
I like it because it has more elegance than death metal for one thing. You can mix black metal and classical so well sometimes, but you could never do that with death metal and make it sound so good. I don't listen to much BM, but I like oldschool grim stuff as well as this new age stuff (except CoF of course). In other words, I listen to whatever I like, and several black metal bands happen to be in my playlist. I never think about why I like the style, I think about why I like the band. Styles change way too much, and if someone who listens to Darkthrone also happens to enjoy Prince, U2, Creed, Backstreet Boys or Michael Jackson, what the fuck should I care? People should listen to whatever they like - simple as that.
I think black metal, when experienced as a totality (lyrics, music, imagery), can be a unique experience not found in other forms of metal. A few albums that bring to mind this perfect artistic unity of words, music and imagery are Burzum's Filosofem and Hviss Lysset Tar Oss and Ulver's Nattens Madrigal and Bergtatt. I also appreciate the lack of popular verse/chorus song-structuring techniques and of course the biggest draw for me like many is the atmosphere.
Unless intended by the author, I don't see why fascism should provoke such ridiculing replies. Fascism and National Socialism represent political and, to an extent, moral ideologies I'd favour any day over democracy and liberalism. That remains one of the main reasons I remain glued to BM, although it is not what got me into BM. And then there are various other ideological aspects that elevate BM over many genres - Anti Judeo-Christianity, natural selection, Nietzchan and post-Nietzchan concepts of revaluation of morals and of exercising will, embracing nature.. the ideological merits of BM are almost endless.

Music, of course, is of as much importance as ideology. BM music is an unbelievably effective representation of the ideological intent.. In The Glare Of Burning Churches by Graveland, Nattens Madrigal by Ulver and Forgotten Legends by Drudkh are excellent examples of that.
I fucking hate black metal because the riffs are shitty and there are no guitar solos and fuck the atmosphere. Atmosphere my ass! I love power, thrash, death, sludge anything except black, nu, and crap metal
The_Evil_Gentleman said:
I fucking hate black metal because the riffs are shitty and there are no guitar solos and fuck the atmosphere. Atmosphere my ass! I love power, thrash, death, sludge anything except black, nu, and crap metal

Go away. Please.
You guys should understand that this person don't like the atmosphere stuff so it's kinda obvious that he won't like BM. It's only a matter of taste. He stated his reasons why he doesn't like bm, he didn't say bm totally sucks so there is a big difference to make. ( maybe that's what he thinks, but he still didn't mention it ).
The_Evil_Gentleman said:
I fucking hate black metal because the riffs are shitty and there are no guitar solos and fuck the atmosphere. Atmosphere my ass! I love power, thrash, death, sludge anything except black, nu, and crap metal

Perhaps when you hit puberty you will be able to explain your opinion in intelligible terms. Until then, may I suggest departing this otherwise civil discussion.
If you think about it, black metal is rather crappy. The quality is horrible and a lot of it just sounds really poor. But i still like it. I can see why people see it as crap, but hey, its all about what your ears like. White noise can sound good to some people, it doesnt mean its crap though.
I like how some people are still under the impression that all black metal either has "TERRIBLE" production or some other such inane thing. My objection to that is to actually provide a good reason as to why you hate an entire genre, because, from my point of view, posts like "LOL BLACK METAL SUX DIK IT IS SO BAD ROFL THE PRODUCTION IS NOT EVEN THER ITS LIEK THEY REOCRDEDC IT IN HIS TOILET LMAO" sounds like trolling (posting intended solely to flame others).

This thread is worthless, I suggest a close, and a sticky post added to the GMD main page stating that all threads not about "discussing" (as in not arguing) be moved or deleted, as another month of these threads (even though I believe this has been around for a long time) could kill me.
This thread has been excessively stupid for quite a few posts now, I agree. I think we've had another thread like this recently as well, so I'll close it like you request.
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