how do you motivate yourself to play guitar in times of distraction?


Nov 23, 2003
Southern California
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I notice myself not having that desire and motivation to play too often. There are times where I just have to force myself and even when I do I don't practice guitar thoroughly.

There are days where I will be caught up in reading about politics, and I just have a hard time thinking about playing guitar and making music even when I told myself that I would focus on that and put my heart to guitar playing. There are days where I eat a lot and I start to feel lazy and tired so I don't even bother playing. There are times when there is a basketball or sporting even going on and I just don't feel like playing because I get too distracted by the sporting even. There are times when I have so much homework (I can understand school > guitar, but...), and I just don't feel turned on to play because of the amount of reading I have to do, or whatever.

You see I encounter these situations WAY TOO OFTEN, and I eagerly and honestly want to straighten my guitar life out and really focus on improving my skills. I was wondering what I can do to refocus my attention after digging into politics for hours, and play guitar, and how to make time for guitar when I have lots of hw.

What do you people think I can do?
Well, to me, guitar IS a distraction from other work, because I hope to make a career of some sort out of it. But when I do find something more interesting, like something with lots of pretty colors and lights, I keep in mind that I'm in a band and I can't not be practicing my own stuff. I don't know how high guitar is on your list, and that is a factor in how easily you're distracted from it.
i have trouble playing guitar when i just plain out feel like shit..

like right now, im gonna play again in like and hour though so whateva...

If i have trouble on keeping my mind on guitar i usually just pop in a instructional video or something and watch it for awhile, this makes me want to play.
whenever I know I should be practicing but I don't feel in the mood, I use the "one chord" method of getting myself to play. I tell myself "Im just going to pick up and play one chord." Do that, and you'll open the floodgates and not put it down.
I use playing the bass as a MEANS to recreate myself, so instead of or while watching TV or something like that, I pick up my bass. Even if nothing productive comes out of it (which occurs or does not depending on the day), it's a great method for me to kick back.
another method i forgot to mention is, the day before think of what your going to learn the next day. Everyday you should learn a new lick. This way you have something fresh to practice. If you run out of stuff you wanna learn, go buy your favorite guitars intrustional video or whatever. That always gives a ton of shit new.
Whenever I'm not motivated, I open up GP5 and learn something new. Lately I started playing WoW (which is quite a time-consumer..) so I haven't been 1337enating myself on my axe. So I started learning some acoustic riffs from Opeth, I pretty much used to do some improv shredding all the time and just practise some ups and downs on the fretboard constantly and well, that kinda gets lame after a bit. Acoustic parts and chords are new to me so I feel like a kid again picking up a guitar for the first time :D:D:D I recommend learning a whole new style instead of just learning new songs or licks.
MrFast said:
Whenever I'm not motivated, I open up GP5 and learn something new. Lately I started playing WoW (which is quite a time-consumer..) so I haven't been 1337enating myself on my axe. So I started learning some acoustic riffs from Opeth, I pretty much used to do some improv shredding all the time and just practise some ups and downs on the fretboard constantly and well, that kinda gets lame after a bit. Acoustic parts and chords are new to me so I feel like a kid again picking up a guitar for the first time :D:D:D I recommend learning a whole new style instead of just learning new songs or licks.
Oh man, WoW is the BIGGEST distraction of them all. I can't believe how good that game is. But yeh I have forced myself not to play it cos i'm back at uni now so i'm just letting my subscription money drain away :(.

So to the guitar question.... I sometimes find myself playing in times like these. When i'm on the net chattin 2 my friends. They're like "hey watcha up 2", and I reply "not much just playin gtar" which is kinda a frequent occurance. Don't force yourself. If you do it'll probably just be crap anyway. Find something to motivate you like an awesome solo or something. Work more on WANTING to play then it wont be a problem. Try not playing at all and see what happens. You might find you want to play more then.
Lol leave it to me to be the one guy who says something different :lol:

Firstly I hardly ever learn other people's music, and if I do, its just for the parts I think are cool to better understand how they've done what they did.

and so, when I don't feel like playing guitar... I DON'T! :tickled: If I'm not in the mood, there's no reason for me to play because it's going to sound halfassed and probably waste my time, since I don't want my music to sound halfassed, and when I play, it's almost always my own stuff.

I find that this creates a sort of withdrawl after a while, and when I do come back to it, it's quite a rush.
Well, that only happened to me once, and that was when I was suckered into joining a band I never wanted to join. I don't remember how I got out of that one.
Ptah Khnemu said:
Well, that only happened to me once, and that was when I was suckered into joining a band I never wanted to join. I don't remember how I got out of that one.

Lmao that happened to me once, sucks...


I kinda just stoped talking about being in the band and i made up some half assed excuss about my amp being broken and i couldn't afford a new one.
bball_1523 said:
so what if you feel pressured to learn something unrelated to guitar and music, but you still want to find time for guitar, yet feel unmotivated to do so? How do you handle those situations?

Well, this sounds like one of two things to me:

1. You should set up some kind of time management for everything you are interested in doing. Of course, some things take a sacrifice, but try to find a medium that you feel content with.

2. You should do some soul searching and decide what parts of your life are the most important to you, and strive to improve on those. Maybe guitar isn't the most important thing in your life, thats ok you can still find time for it, but if its not extremely important then don't beat yourself up for not devoting a ton of time to it.

I hope I explained that ok.
Kenneth R. said:
Lol leave it to me to be the one guy who says something different :lol:

Firstly I hardly ever learn other people's music, and if I do, its just for the parts I think are cool to better understand how they've done what they did.

and so, when I don't feel like playing guitar... I DON'T! :tickled: If I'm not in the mood, there's no reason for me to play because it's going to sound halfassed and probably waste my time, since I don't want my music to sound halfassed, and when I play, it's almost always my own stuff.

I find that this creates a sort of withdrawl after a while, and when I do come back to it, it's quite a rush.

Yeh, that's pretty much the same for me ;).
bball_1523 said:
I notice myself not having that desire and motivation to play too often. There are times where I just have to force myself and even when I do I don't practice guitar thoroughly.

What do you people think I can do?

As a guitar player, you will go through phases where you play and don't. Some of that is normal, just don't let it happen where you don't play for a month or play once a week only. I have three suggestions:

1) Buy an acoustic or play the acoustic if you own one. You don't have to set up an amp, just find a pick, grab the guitar, tune and play. If you can't shred on an acoustic then your slkills need work (Ha ha ha I can't shred on an acoustic.) Also learn to sing. Even if you never plan on singing lead.... singing will help your harmony vocals which is always a plus for a guitarist or any musician for that matter.

2) Buy a new toy. Get some recording software, a new pedal etc. You don't have to spend a fortune, but get something to build your interest up.

3) Find a new influence/friend. Listen to some Accept and send me a CD of you playing Wolf's stuff note for note and make me jealous. Just joking about that, but find a new guitar God to get into that is within your playing level. Also find a buddy who plays guitar. You can swap licks with each other. Try using Myspace to look for guitarists in your area.

Bryant said:
As a guitar player, you will go through phases where you play and don't. Some of that is normal, just don't let it happen where you don't play for a month or play once a week only. I have three suggestions:

1) Buy an acoustic or play the acoustic if you own one. You don't have to set up an amp, just find a pick, grab the guitar, tune and play. If you can't shred on an acoustic then your slkills need work (Ha ha ha I can't shred on an acoustic.) Also learn to sing. Even if you never plan on singing lead.... singing will help your harmony vocals which is always a plus for a guitarist or any musician for that matter.

2) Buy a new toy. Get some recording software, a new pedal etc. You don't have to spend a fortune, but get something to build your interest up.

3) Find a new influence/friend. Listen to some Accept and send me a CD of you playing Wolf's stuff note for note and make me jealous. Just joking about that, but find a new guitar God to get into that is within your playing level. Also find a buddy who plays guitar. You can swap licks with each other. Try using Myspace to look for guitarists in your area.


I have an acoustic, but it's so freakin hard to play on it. I think if I stick with it I might be able to shred apart the electric. I just need motivation playing acoustic! haha

Do you guys have any pointers for starting off slow when playing guitar? I notice myself always starting an exercise and never finishing, but rather switching to another exercise and starting all over again, and this has been going on almost my entire guitar life of 4 years, and as a result I feel as if I am not getting anywhere.
Exercises are not always best to start off with or try and get motivated with. Try learning some songs that you really enjoy.. or even favorite parts of songs.. thats a start to getting motivated a bit. Nothing like nailing a song or part that you didnt think you could pull off.

There is also the opposite end of the spectrum, When I strted playing the first 2 years I could easily spend 5-6 hours practicing a day. However Id hit a bit of burn out... the best thing for that is just taking some rest.. a day or 2 off to refocus can be more help than just playing endlessly.
^great advice right there.

i also found to be a big help.

just think of a song that you really enjoy and havnt heard in a while and listen to it. It puts me in a really good mood and reminds me why i play guitar in the first place.

For instance right now im listening to

to be with you-mr big

its such an easy to play ballad but it puts me in a good mood, and makes me wanna play.