How do you pronounce the name Opeth?


Aug 30, 2006
was talking to a freind of mine about it...

I pronounce it exactly like it looks like, Opeth.

He says it's like Opeeth. (the 'e' making a 'e' sound like in the word Reef)

And i say Opeth like the 'e' making a 'eh' sound.

I personally like my sound of it better, as it makes a lower and darker sound and fits them, where Opeeth makes the name sound too light. But ima be heavily dissapointed if my friend is right.

So anyone really know the answer to it?
rhymes with JOE DEATH. unless you're a fucking KIWI and say death "DEETH".

Mikael and the guys just have very little emphasis on the O, kinda like ap-eth.

oh yeah and SHIT THREAD USE SEARCH et. al.
I've always heard him pronounce the o as "oh" but ok..and isn't there less stress on the e?

I went from OPETH to OPeTH..oooo
It depends on the mood, for instance, if I'm feeling dyslexic, I say it like Oteph, if I'm feeling hungry, I say it like pth and if I'm feeling depressed, I say it like Katatopeth. It really depends.