Why I respect Opeth...

Is it my eyes or is there something really disharmonic going on on this thread, turning it into something heavy and, really, funny? LOL
kno talint said:
:Smug: doesnt like, every emo band play downtuned, i dont see any brutalness in their music....

I don't think Saves The Day downtunes. But the last albuum I heard be them is Stay What You Are.

PS: I like Saves The Day.:hotjump:
konyaku said:
The fact that they can sound SOOOO heavy and brutal...yet their guitars are tuned to standard E! amazing...

When i first went to look for opeth tabs, i was expecting it to be tuned to like a Low B or something haha
But do you like fromage???
was ist ein period = what is a period

online translators blow; learn some deustch, damnit
Serphius said:
Actually, I'm taking German 1100 here at Mizzou. It was an honest mistake in which I confused "ein" with "der." Now, you may continue to make an ass out of yourself. :)

PS - It's actually "Was ist eine Periode."
and by the way...i didn't mean for that to make sense. I don't know german, it just sounds funny.