How do you pull yourself out of a funk?

Miyazaki's movies just make me happy. I love the underlying sense of magic

This. I know that seems to clash with my previous statement, but it doesn't, really. He puts me in a really mellow, nostalgic mood that I seek to preserve by curling up and hiding. Dakryn has no soul and is just a total dick, unless he's only seen Princess Mononoke.
It's threads like these that remind me why most of this sub-forums is full of hate, depression, and anguish....

*play's Mutillation's Travels to Sadness, Hate, and Depression*
I used to deal with feeling shit by smoking copious amounts of pot, staring at the wall and listening to lots of Jeff Buckley or Radiohead. These days I just get on with my shit whilst feeling shit until I stop feeling shit and shit is then ok. Indulging the whole "woe is me' thing usually just prolongs the agony.
I used to deal with feeling shit by smoking copious amounts of pot, staring at the wall and listening to lots of Jeff Buckley or Radiohead. These days I just get on with my shit whilst feeling shit until I stop feeling shit and shit is then ok. Indulging the whole "woe is me' thing usually just prolongs the agony.

yeah Radiohead always cheer me up to be honest. Im to paranoid to smoke lots of Pot though
The reason I am repulsed by his work is because I do have a soul.

Quit being so fucking vague, extrapolate on this shit. WHAT REPULSES YOU ABOUT HIS WORK?



Walking works best for me. When I'm down in the dumps,my favorite retreat is the beach in the evening. Just wading in the surf is really calming.

Alternately, a mindless comedy/sitcom or a humorous computer game hit the spot.
A lot of times when Dakryn makes a claim it reminds me of the concept of 'alvinizing' from the Philosophical Lexicon.

alvinize, v. To stimulate protracted discussion by making a bizarre claim. "His contention that natural evil is due to Satanic agency alvinized his listeners."
I don't think he said anime is inherently evil (or if he did, he was being sarcastic); he did say that anime is a poor genre to begin with (which is another argument altogether).

He did say the films by the filmmaker you're all discussing are evil; but I've never seen one, so I can't comment.
Yes you can!

Seriously, though, how the fuck is Spirited Away evil? Oh no, every one will feel sorry for the little girl who's sucked into an alternate dimension populated by demons and they'll give money to Sea Shepherd.
You should watch either Spirited Away or Princess Mononoke. On the surface they seem really childish and silly but by the end you'll find yourself emotionally invested and you won't want it to end.
Go out with friends and be social
Listen to music
Play guitar

Exercise and being social seem to be the best cure for me.
You should watch either Spirited Away or Princess Mononoke. On the surface they seem really childish and silly but by the end you'll find yourself emotionally invested and you won't want it to end.

@Mort: Grow up.

@WAIF: I just saw Spirited Away last night, and it was much worse than Ponyo.

@Cythraul: SHHHH!
You should watch either Spirited Away or Princess Mononoke. On the surface they seem really childish and silly but by the end you'll find yourself emotionally invested and you won't want it to end.

I'm not a huge fan of anime animation, but I wouldn't let that hold me back from a good story. I'll look into them.

The one anime that I have been seriously interested in for a long time is Neon Genesis Evangelion. Is that any good?
That is one of the better animes, yes. Depending on how much of a dork you are (i.e depending on how much time you want to invest in "cartoons" :cool:), you might wanna check out Monster if you want a good mix of mature drama and thriller content. I don't know where Vilden has gone recently, but he can attest to its utter awesomeness.