How do you store your CDs?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Been clearing some shelf space tonight and I started re-thinking the way I store my CDs. Yes, I've put a little thought into this exciting topic. :loco:

Firstly, I'm not sure if alphabetical works well enough. Everything gets mixed up and it's not until I go through every single CD when I realize that I've been missing something cool just because it got 'hidden' away in the masses.

So perhaps, I should re-sequence by genre? That would be better, keeping black with black, thrash with thrash, etc. but then you'll always have to deal with those select CDs which blur across genres.

So maybe I should prioritize by which CDs are my favoUrites. So keep alphabetical, but maybe split up into groups of, say, 20. The first 20 being my top 20 ever, the next 20 being solid, and so forth, until I've got a batch ready for trade.

That way, stuff can keep getting pushed down until the last batch, and that way, I *always* have a tradelist going.

I suppose most people just keep everything in alphabetical order? :Spin:
I guess it looks as if you're reorganizing your records. What is this though? Chronological?
Not alphabetical...
No fucking way.

:kickass: :headbang: :etc:

I'm gay and do it alphabetical though, on a huge wooden rack thingy. Right now they're all in god damn moving boxes, although a select few* are on a temporary shelf.

*about 250
Alphabetical works for me, but the one problem is what I hold my CDs in... I always have to shift CDs into the next row and then continue that all the way down. So I usually have most shit alphabetized, and my new shit sitting on top because I'm too lazy to sort them.

I think genre would be more trouble than it's worth.

I need a new way to store my CDs though.
alphabetical, although the amount just sucks cuz it takes forever to span through it all and figure out wtf you want to listen to.

So, does this mean you are putting together a tradelist you nig?
Organizing by genre creates too many fights between CDs, especially if you get subsubsubgenre names incorrect.

I set up Opeth next to At The Gates once and it turned into a bad Oxy commercial.
Alphabetical works for me, but the one problem is what I hold my CDs in... I always have to shift CDs into the next row and then continue that all the way down. So I usually have most shit alphabetized, and my new shit sitting on top because I'm too lazy to sort them.

I think genre would be more trouble than it's worth.

I need a new way to store my CDs though.

Same here..all the new stuff and stuff ive recently listened to is sitting on top of the racks thenmselves and dont even look at my 5 huge leaning towers of pisa cd's.

Big wooden shelf/racks are the only way to go.

NEVER store CD's in those ghey fucking books that hack the cd's up. Tried that once a long time ago and was PISSED.
Alphabetically is simply the most efficient way to get what you're looking for quickly. There was a thread on actual "storage" 3 years ago.. Adrian posted this link to a place in CA that makes groovy looking shelves that don't take up too much space and aren't much of an eye sore. But I could care less about the latter, I'm a fucking eye sore, but I'm also efficient. And that's what I need damnit!!! Efficiency!!!

alphabetical, although the amount just sucks cuz it takes forever to span through it all and figure out wtf you want to listen to.

So, does this mean you are putting together a tradelist you nig?

I keep all of my albums on an Excel sheet for quick browsing.
I'm gay and do it alphabetical though, on a huge wooden rack thingy.

the more i think about it, the gayer it really is. 'alphabetical' is too simple.

Alphabetical works for me, but the one problem is what I hold my CDs in... I always have to shift CDs into the next row and then continue that all the way down.

that is the worst part about storing CDs, i always make sure i've got a few inches spare at the end of each shelf just so i can keep adding new CDs without having to shift shift shift all the way down to the bottom.

I need a new way to store my CDs though.

i think i'm going to try:

- alphabetical
- in order of favoUrite by 20-25

the last 25 being a tradelist on constant rotation

So, does this mean you are putting together a tradelist you nig?

Yep. I have my first batch of CDs ready to list up. A lot of them are promos ready for trade (so they may have a holepunch in the barcode), but certainly good enough for trade.

I've also got a stack I'm still considering, and may list those anyway in case they get a good trade for something I really want.
Adrian posted this link to a place in CA that makes groovy looking shelves that don't take up too much space and aren't much of an eye sore.

I use shelving from

Myhomeyfromtheast said:
Yep. I have my first batch of CDs ready to list up. A lot of them are promos ready for trade (so they may have a holepunch in the barcode), but certainly good enough for trade.

I've also got a stack I'm still considering, and may list those anyway in case they get a good trade for something I really want.

Do you trade cds for legal tender?
Why burden yourself with a quirky method? You're objective is to pick an album out on a whim, not fumble through 900 albums with the finesse of Moose on a bra strap.

Sorry Matt, I needed an analogy.

Hmm. Not that I disagree with the analogy, my only concern is, some CDs simply get lost in the overcrowding. By going through my shelves tonight, I had several "a-ha" moments, often remembering I owned something which hadn't been spun in a while.

Also, I don't reach for CDs all too often. Most of my DJ'ing happens on the trusty old iPud.
Do you trade cds for legal tender?

Actually, I probably will. I really need to make space. I assume you'll be able to get an international money order made out in rupees?

By the way, you might want to look at the list before getting too excited. Some of it was sent to me back in the days of the 'zine. Let's just say that I hope a lot of you like Metal Blade or Nuclear Blast artists.

EDIT: also, all promos are full CDs, not the cardboard slipcase kind. I have a ton of those too, which I'll just be throwing into each trade for free!! Let's just say it'll be a "lucky dip".
Hmm. Not that I disagree with the analogy, my only concern is, some CDs simply get lost in the overcrowding. By going through my shelves tonight, I had several "a-ha" moments, often remembering I owned something which hadn't been spun in a while.

Also, I don't reach for CDs all too often. Most of my DJ'ing happens on the trusty old iPud.

Dude, put all your albums on an Excel sheet. Trust me, the couple hours it will take, will pay dividends in the future.

Going back to actual storage, I'm considering one of these that Nad posted back in the day.

Holds 638

You may need this bad boy though. This one is called "The Gugs", holds 1520