I don't see the point of rigging my PC to a hi-fi stereo
Obviously not, otherwise your music-listening life would be perfect and you wouldn't be faced with this withering conundrum!
I keep all of my albums on an Excel sheet for quick browsing.
Yeah, you gotta do at least that. Nowadays I just use the iTunes Library instead, as everything is automatically entered, and the sorting functionality is pretty powerful. Unlike a CD rack, you can instantly switch between different sorting methodologies to get a different view of things: Alphabetical, chronological, genre, song-running-time, BPM, or any self-defined grouping.
I tend to use "shuffle by album" a lot so that it will automatically select the next album for me to listen to. That's a way to ensure that things don't get lost in my collection, because it will often pick something good that I wouldn't have thought of myself.
Sorting by genre is insanity, because way too much stuff crosses genres. Even worse, attaching a genre to something tends to pigeon-hole it, so it could actually make you gloss over albums even more (maybe there's a black-metal-ish album you really like, but you rarely find yourself thinking "I want to listen to some black metal now!", so you always forget about that album) Stripping out the genre tags is the first thing I do when I get new music.
Oh, and for the record, my CD rack is alphabetical-by-artist, then chronological-within-artist.