How do you store your CDs?

Alphabetical is the only method that's ever worked for me with any type of efficiency. Though, like most I'm sure, I'm a lazy bastard, and all of the new CDs from the past few weeks (aka year and a half) are just scattered around the room. Visual evidence will follow.

I've thought about doing it by genre. It seems quite nice, really. Say I'm in the mood for some Scandinavian Death Metal, I can just look at a certain section of my shelves and pick a CD. Much easier than looking at D for Demigod, Demilich, Depravity, and Disgrace, E for Entombed, G for Grave and God Macabre, etc. But then of course, as was already mentioned, there are plenty of genre disputes to be had, and you can easily forget where you put those weird releases that don't quite fit. That's the great thing about alphabetical; it's completely objective, and as long as you're not a dumbfuck and remember the band name you should be able to easily find what you're looking for.

As for shelving, that larger storing unit RiA looks quite nice, I would really love to have something that big instead of just buying new shelves every couple of years, but unfortunately I don't have the room for it. It's quite tragic really. I only have enough space for another 200 CD or so. I don't know what I'll do after that...I guess just random stacks and piles. Which brings me back to me shamelessly showing off my collection (and its messiness).

This is the central focus of my collection, which contains about 650 of my CDs (I leave spaces in the shelves like JK does for sanity's sake):


These used to be my main shelves...5 years ago:


This is a combination of recent acquired pieces and shits I've been listening to:






As you can see, I'm no better than a sloth. :erk:

EDIT: lol at me being on topic after that post
Here is an idea:
rip all the CDs as mp3 or oggs or whatever format you like. Put them on an separate harddrive from everything else (get a new one if you need). Use a stable filesystem like NTFS for windows or ext3 for linux. Listen to your music on the computer, or if you are hardcore you can do some networking and have your stereo play those CDs for you. Also maintain that partition once every 2 weeks by doing file system checks and defragmening it (windows).
If you don't want the computer method, use any of the methods suggested above that you dig
Here is an idea:
rip all the CDs as mp3 or oggs or whatever format you like. Put them on an separate harddrive from everything else (get a new one if you need).

I've done that. I bought an external 100Gb hard disk. The mp3's also reside on my iPod for daily commutes.

If I'm at home, however, I'm gonna want to pull a CD off the shelf. I don't see the point of rigging my PC to a hi-fi stereo when I can just put the CD in!
I'm with Krig on using the CD folders. Being a college student, having barely any space to begin with, and moving in and out of dorm a couple of times per year makes it a fucking PAIN to move a whole rack of jewel cases. I just keep the cases in a box up here until I can get home and leave them there. The CDs go in a giant CD binder thingy in order from oldest in the front to newest at the back (like you're reading a book from beginning to end). I usually have my newest or favorite CDs in a little holder in my car.

I figure I can get the lyrics/artwork online if I really want to, no point in having the jewel cases around taking up space.

Yeah, but they scratch the fuck out of your cd's. Unless they have gotten more sophisticated in the past 5 years.
Here is an idea:
rip all the CDs as mp3 or oggs or whatever format you like. Put them on an separate harddrive from everything else (get a new one if you need). Use a stable filesystem like NTFS for windows or ext3 for linux. Listen to your music on the computer, or if you are hardcore you can do some networking and have your stereo play those CDs for you. Also maintain that partition once every 2 weeks by doing file system checks and defragmening it (windows).
If you don't want the computer method, use any of the methods suggested above that you dig

How about you just fuck off and die you faggot!?!? GTFOoRC and go watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles you lilly livered piss drop.

Those booklets scratch your cd's worse than a cat caught in a blouse. This is what I used to do way back when, but after experiencing several albums skipping, I said uh-uh, and went the route of the collector.
I keep my humble collection in two dresser drawers. Although, I'm pretty much out of space with my latest purchases. I need to look into nice shelves like the ones Reign In Nad posted.
1. by genre (doomish stuff; death; black metal including pagan, folk, etc; stoner; thrash; industrial; neur-isis core)

2. then alphabetical

3. then chronilogically