How do you store your CDs?

Makes as much sense as you liking it. It's personal preferrence.

It's just impractical as far as I'm concerned. I don't have a good vinyl player, so the sound won't be as good as a CD. Turning it over to hear the rest of the album disrupts the flow of it. They're a lot bigger, so storage is a bitch. CDs work in my car, vinyls don't. Vinyl is contact technology, and slowly destroys itself; CDs may slowly destroy too, but from what I've experienced it's a lot slower than vinyl. Long story short I find the advantages of CDs to far outweigh the advantages of vinyl.
Vinyl is THE best sound reproduction. Period.

Like what you want...its still stupid to not like vinyl especially being involved in this type of music.

A $150 turntable will sound FAR superior to any $10,000 CD player.
Fair enough. Now once you tell me how to shrink the vinyl, make my car be able to play it, have all the albums on one side instead of two and have it not destroy itself slowly every time you play it, you've got me convinced.

But trust me, it's not worth the effort. I don't like vinyl. Frankly I don't care if you think I should; you're not the first person to try and convince me otherwise. CDs make my life easier despite the potentially better sound quality of vinyl.
Cars have shitty audio dynamics anyway.

I always laugh at idiots who spend $14,000 on a car stereo system and only listen to it along with 90mph road noise combined with open windows.
I haven't seriously listened to vinyl in 20 years. When I finally get a dedicated music room, it'll happen.
What the fuck is wrong with people?

Does EVERYTHING have to be easy and accomadating nowadays?

Never said you have to own 1100 vinyls either.

I don't like vinyl. Get over it, or cry me a river, whatever, but who fucking cares? I'm not forcing my opinion down anyone's throat. I'm just telling you what I like. You asked why, I told you. So again; get over it.

Cars have shitty audio dynamics anyway.

I always laugh at idiots who spend $14,000 on a car stereo system and only listen to it along with 90mph road noise combined with open windows.

I never said cars have good audio dynamics. I have a pretty normal car with a pretty normal CD stereo. The only important keyword here is CD. I thoroughly enjoy driving with music I love. That's all there is to it.
Voidhanger, youre a fucking idiot. Plain and simple.

Uh oh, I pushed princess' buttons! Man, touchy people around here. God forbid someone has a different opinion than the general consensus. I better get it all out in the open now... I think IRON MAIDEN was best with Paul Di'Anno! Hope I don't get lynched!
You just may, having an opinion like that Mr. Pissflaps.


edit: I keed...cuz i myself in some way consider that era better too. first fucking thing out of this kids mouth worth noting.