How Famous Bodom are? And where you all fans are from?

Originally posted by nikon87
I live in Finland,but in a small town,there's only about 3000 people living here :cry: , and there are not so many metalheads here,shame :cry: (I'm the only one in my school)
And then there is a fucking gay liar here , who makes and listens to hiphop and makes jokes about metalheads . Goddamn I would kill him! :mad:

yeah, i am living too small town..about 3800 people.
here in my school and town is couple metalheads..
Kick her ass if he talks shit!=)
I'm from North West England...

CoB famous here? Let's interview a passer by:

Passer by: Children Of Who?

:( Nope I'm afraid not
COB is not famous in Hawaii, I haven't met anyone who knows COB, though I find millions of emperor fans...
but In Japan they are pretty popular, not compaire to a celebrity, but to people who play guitar or likes metal, knows atleast a little about them. cuz they are in the magazines and stuff all the time. and many metal bands tour there.
Mexico or America too right? its the same continent. yeaaah im an american!!

there are lots of people who like cob
any one who listens to metal here will know cob, in fact most local metal bands are highly influenced by them.
I am from The Netherlands. COB are populair among the metal fans here.

Half a year ago I went shopping in the local supermarket and I saw a bunch of very young kinds 14/15 [I am 43] wearing COB patches.
Originally posted by Hawk
I am from The Netherlands. COB are populair among the metal fans here.

Half a year ago I went shopping in the local supermarket and I saw a bunch of very young kinds 14/15 [I am 43] wearing COB patches.

wow you gotta be the one of the oldest man in here... which is great
Yea I know it's pretty unusual for a guy my age to like death metal, but I do. Arch Enemy is another favorite of mine. I am into metal since 1976, yea I know, most of you we not even born then :)

Here's another weird thing about me. I am a high school history teacher. Really, I am not kidding you. I corrupt my students by giving them Cdr.'s from COB, Arch Enemy and Symphony X :D

Mostly they start out as kOrn and Limb Dickshit fans. Then I tell them that those bands are commercial crap for softies. I convert 3 to 4 students a year. In the end it adds up nicely. And I am having a lot of fun doing it. One parent told me "Since you been introducing my son to that music he is playing all that noise".