How good is the band's English?

Nikotiini said:
Well ppl shouldn't bash english... its kind of universal... it links everyone together...
and to me it's passed the point of just "slang". It's changing. fuck off.
Holy jesus, do you seriously think before you type shit out. "ppl shouldn't bash english"?

I agree that the languages have different slang, but I was more insulting the fact that you said there are only three english speaking countries, Australia, US and Britain. Then you decided to say people shouldn't bash English, and that "slang" is changing the languages, but use three periods instead of a comma, and use "ppl" instead of "people".

My typing and spelling is usually shit so I refrain from pointing these things out, but I had to step in this time. :rolleyes:
Yeah those Canadians speak quite the bit of French, they sure don't count...?
Thats kind of like saying America doesn't count becase there are people there who speak quite the bit of Spanish. Roughly 9/10 Provinces speak primarily English overall, and that 1 provine is bilingual and no one likes them.
Uhm, this thread is "How good is the band's english?"... :u-huh:....
I've already told that I think their english is good but... I'm italian, so I'm not allowed to confirm if CoB's english is ok, but... I know mine is terrible, that's for sure!! :lol: ....poor me! :cry: I've so much to learn.... somebody help meeeee (somebody...put something....somebody put something in my driiiink!!!! sorry, I was singing! :Saint: ).... :hypno:
Alright, stop writing nonsenses.... 'night guys!!
Yeah, at least for me english is difficult to learn... hence when I meet on my way some slang-words... I'm a bit lost!..:cry:
but never give up! I have all my life to (well, I hope!) improve... ;)
I just hope that all those people who I will talk with... will be patient when I'll say (pretty often, I'm afraid) something wrong...:loco:
But I have to learn english... cuz I hope soon to leave Italy....
Ok, quit...Bye and 'night... see you, guys! :)
Si, quindi io penso che italiani sono truzzi di merda, specialmente nel norte (varese, TRUZZ Capital) e Milano. Citta del cazzo
Lithium said:
Si, quindi io penso che italiani sono truzzi di merda, specialmente nel norte (varese, TRUZZ Capital) e Milano. Citta del cazzo

I tell you again: think what you want! You know, it's beautiful the fact that in the world there are so many different people....
But it's very sad the fact that there are so many stupid people -and everywhere- who insults the others with no reason! Bye bye, baby....... best wishes! :Saint:

Ma guarda... il bue dice cornuto all'asino....
Lithium said:
U know im right....fucking tight motherfuckers up there

No: you are right for you, for your way to think... mine is different.
Fucking tight motherfuckers can be everywhere, and you know too.
But I've already told you that it has no matter if you hate italian're free to do!
Anyway, I have nothing against you, so if you want we could talk like normal persons, cuz I have no problems.... that's all, I leave to you the last word.
I just wanna say Italians can't drive.
And americans suck at english.

They speak english in quite some african countries as a first language too.
Nikotiini said:
:) you're welcome! and btw (for by the way), my boyfriend's grandfather is from Italy... he talks about WWII all the time and how beautiful Italy was. He is very proud to be an American and that he learned to speak English. I love his accent.

Really? I'm glad of that....
So well, I reveal that I have most of my relatives in America, cuz my mother's dad, my grandfather, was american (so I'm quite american for a half)... and months ago, a few of them, come here to see us...
I always love to see and speak (or better, trying to speak.. ahah!) with them, it's always nice... I love confrontation between different cultures....
Now I must go.... goodnight, see you and thanks again... :)