How good is Yayo's song 'Disposable'!!


Fuck consensus reality
Dec 19, 2001
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[begin gush:

Post it again Yayo for all the folk here who haven't heard it. I find myself listening to this mesmerising piece of art at least once a day.

Thanks for giving us such a wonderful piece of music.

...end gush]

didnt see this!!

Thanks!! Im glad you like it :)

Ill upload it to my site.... but itll take a while (couple of weeks) for those bastards to accept it. So i guess if you didnt hear the song just keep checking back there! Itll probably be a slightly different version than the first i posted as well, though the differences will be unnoticeable to most.
Im uploading the song as we speak (to normal webspace as well as But on 56k itll take a while. Ill give the link in about an hour.

in the meantime there's a couple of other older songs on the site:
Thanks. Yep, down in tasmania. I wont be doing shows with this solo project music, but my band should be able to get over to mainland eventually i'd hope!