How intense are Opeth shows?


Most Original Username
Jan 17, 2003
Richmond, VA
Hey, newbie here...

I'm planning on going to the show in Springfield on Tuesday, and this will be my second concert (out of any band). I'm only 15, so I'm not the strongest guy in the world, so (not to sound like a pussy), do Opeth shows usually get pretty dangerous in terms of moshing, etc? I know that in a room packed tightly with a bunch of experienced metalheads I would get slaughtered in the midst of the energy. I know i probably sound really dumb but I have no experience with Opeth concerts whatsoever, so any reply would be appreciated...
Well - my 1st Opeth show will be Saturday. But from what I've gathered from watching the bootlegs, although there is energy, I don't think you'll get your ass slammed to the ground.
I've seen Opeth once before, and there was no moshing at all. There were some people getting a little "excited", or headbanging, or whatever, but everyone was keeping to themselves pretty much. It was nice just being able to watch the band do their thing without having to worry about some fat guy reeking of BO smashing into you.
The intensity at an Opeth concert, I would imagine, comes from the inside, when you realize you are experiencing the greatest band in the world LIVE. :)
Oh, I totally agree Metalmaster!

Last year, Nevermore played right before Opeth and the crowd was nutty. After that, Mike and Pete came on stage and started plugging stuff in and then there was Lopez sneaking in the back playing with the drums a bit. ((ANTICIPATION BUILDS!!)) Mendez comes over and plugs in, Mike's greets the crowd and.. ((Moonlapse Vertigo opening))

Every cord every beat you've ever poured over coming out of your speakers is now pouring over you and everyone in the room is either just
. It's fkn great, man. YOU'LL SEE.
Originally posted by Opet
Oh, I totally agree Metalmaster!

Last year, Nevermore played right before Opeth and the crowd was nutty. After that, Mike and Pete came on stage and started plugging stuff in and then there was Lopez sneaking in the back playing with the drums a bit. ((ANTICIPATION BUILDS!!)) Mendez comes over and plugs in, Mike's greets the crowd and.. ((Moonlapse Vertigo opening))

Every cord every beat you've ever poured over coming out of your speakers is now pouring over you and everyone in the room is either just
. It's fkn great, man. YOU'LL SEE.
Do you realise how much more I can't wait thanks to this description?? Thanks a lot... :p :)

There was chaos and alot of moshing in the Athens show, especially on the Demon Of The Fall enchor but not only...
Lots of carnage, death and destruction! No, just kidding. Their shows are actually quite mellow because the crowd is so overwhelmed by them that everyone is paying close attention to their playing and their music. Demon of the Fall is their so called "mosh" song where everyone goes crazy but other than that, it is pretty toned down. Will be a great show!!
Demon of The Fall mosh song where mike goes 'i want u got to go fucking insane for this one' people try at the start but it always dies out quickly since it may well be the heaviest but it still has lots of melodic bits *makes me laugh*
Yah he said the same thing when I saw them!
Not to mention the fact that everyone is fucking wrecked by the time DOTF comes on, I tried but failed to go insane. I was simply too fatigued
Yeah I had a recording of it played live, but since it sounded so bad I deleted it immediately... there is a good reason that he chose not to play it live again :).

Ahh man, I can't wait till April then, their setlist down here should be HUGE. *jumping around*
iv never been to an opeth show either, my first time will be in april and im really looking forward to it :D
i was just wondering what the lighting effects and sound quality are like, when i saw tool live the sound was very off (the drums were wayyy too loud in contrast to the rest of the band) and the lighting and visuals were so intriquite that they distracted me from the music (yes, i know tool is a much bigger, more mainstream band and they have a hell of a lot more money to blow on shit like that)
other metal gigs iv been to the sound has been absolutely shit and the lighting, well, who gives a shit about lights when youv got sweet music. im hoping that opeth has some decent roadies that actually know what their doing instead of some fat dude with a pair of wirecutters. Judging from their recording standard and top of the range equipment it should sound great no matter what.
but anyways, ill shut up now