How intense are Opeth shows?

The Opeth sound techs constantly fuck up and in turn Opeth end up having bad monitors on stage constantly, bad sound etc. etc. I've got 2 bootlegs that support this claim (out of 4, not a good percentage, haha). Their lighting is fairly 'standard' to say the least and so is their stage presence... which is good, because there is nothing there to drag you away from the music you're being bombarded with :).
Warning: If you are not prepared to be buffeted around do not stand in the first 10 rows.

I know from last night, I was right up front and I bruised several ribs and got kicked in the head a few times from crowdsurfers falling on me during demon of the fall. I don't know if you'll have assholes elbowing everything in sight like in montreal, or screaming into random people's faces every time opeth play a chord or hit a note. Just be prepared for the worst. There was a kid who was maybe 16 or 17 up front with me and after one song he bowed out from getting run into the stage so much during Leper Affinity. I toughed it out but I lost a lot of ground during Demon of the Fall as people literally went insane. Mike was even laughing at how crazy people were.

So that was montreal's show, I don't know what yours will be like though. Oh btw you can't judge it until Opeth start to play. I had room to walk around up front during Moonlight (local band), tapping the vein, and paradise lost.
Lots of carnage, death and destruction! No, just kidding. Their shows are actually quite mellow because the crowd is so overwhelmed by them that everyone is paying close attention to their playing and their music. Demon of the Fall is their so called "mosh" song where everyone goes crazy but other than that, it is pretty toned down. Will be a great show!!

This was not true in montreal....people let lose immediately when Opeth hit the stage and moshed to acoustic parts in leper and bleak...sorta ruined those parts. I'm one who does like to watch them play etc, but it appeared half the people there were just trying to tear shit up.
no intense really...but just a chance to see them live is worth if you enjoy the band...
Beth: That's what I had heard from my friend who saw Opeth with nevermore last time in montreal. That was a larger crowd, and people were apparently in awe at just seeing Opeth....this wa almost like a Cannibal Corpse show fro god sakes!!

I've got the bruised ribs to prove it.
hmm, I don't really understand what you're saying.....what did your friend tell you, and how does it compare to your experience..?
so you're saying that it was pretty bad last night?
”I bruised several ribs and got kicked in the head a few times from crowdsurfers falling on me <snip> screaming into random people's faces every time opeth play a chord or hit a note <snip> a kid who was maybe 16 or 17 up front with me and after one song he bowed out from getting run into the stage so much during Leper Affinity.”

BLAME CANADA! Show sounds like there was much intensity in the crowd. I guess, the bigger the possible mosh area, the greater the possible damage. Glad you made it out with only a few bruises.

“I toughed it out but lost a lot of ground during Demon of the Fall as people literally went insane. Mike was even laughing at how crazy people were.”

:lol: Well! What else would you expect! It’s Demon of The Faaaaaaall! It must be pretty damn funny seeing all those people going completely sick right below you while you play music for them like that.

Faces in the crowd at the Palladium looked more like...

When I go to a show, I like to watch the band, not get my ass kicked. I don't see why anyone would go she their favorite bands, only to miss half the show because they're running around like a retarted duck. I know when I see Opeth on the 2nd, I am going to just stand there looking like this --->:OMG:
Seen Opeth live. They aren't very animated and don't have a real stage presence. Almost seems like they were going through the motions when I saw them. The crowd was quite reserved and the overall atmosphere was non-existent. Overall, it was good... but nothing outstanding considering how much their recordings mean to me. The one thing that is immediately obvious is the level of talent these guys have. They are all very talented...
Monster, what exactly did you expect? The guys to jump up and down, crowd surfers landing on your head and a bunch of glittery lights just for show? Talented musicians and a reserved crowd is all I ask personally. The atmosphere is something you bring to the table IMO. <GASP!> Maybe... are you a victim of overly built up anticipation?!

CUTTER, the wheels are already in motion. ;)
Perhaps I need to better explain my experience and expectations. I don't really care for headbanger, moshpits, etc.. But when I see a band/performer play live... I like to see some passion. Opeth lacked it that night. They probably would even agree with me. I really can't be sure if was even their fault. The fans were just standing listening... not doing anything. The setting was a shit hole. The people running the event sucked. Mike said he couldn't even hear himself on stage and that he didn't think they sounded very good. They only had like a 30-40 minute set. So you see... the atmosphere I'm talking about is not the kind you can make yourself. I've been to concerts like Robert Cray and Al DiMeola... and they both were totally passionate about what they were doing... that's what I like to see. Hell, I was just in NYC the other day and saw a blues guitar player, Junior Mack, who totally kicked ass. After he played a few songs, he asked what's everyone want? Someone in the audience said, "I want to see you rip it up?". Needless to say the guy answered the call... playing some really fantastic blues riffs. That was passion! Regardless of who's fault it was (probably a combination of things)... Opeth just didn't seem to be into it the night I saw them...
the pit at the palladium was pretty funny, you had a couple of hc kids trying to dance, and the big tough guys thinking they were at football pratice, it was really stupid. I mean c'mon moshing/dancing for opeth?? I like to go to shows and dance etc.. but I just wanted to stand there and watch in awe.
Originally posted by Bottom of Lake Bodom
When I go to a show, I like to watch the band, not get my ass kicked. I don't see why anyone would go she their favorite bands, only to miss half the show because they're running around like a retarted duck. I know when I see Opeth on the 2nd, I am going to just stand there looking like this --->:OMG:

I totally agree.

I'm seeing them, 11th March, it was just confirmed :)
Paradise lost's music wasn't even mosh worthy at the montreal show. I'm really confused about this trend of mass moshing to a band which used to inspire a humbling effect on audiences who gazed dumbstruck at some of metal's most talented musicians. Is there really a "new breed" of fan as I've heard some people say who just want to mosh like it's cannibal corpse to Opeth's material? I've heard this about fans who've only really gotten hooked onto Opeth with BWP and Deliverance.

Personally I really still haven't gotten acquainted with much pre-still life material (flame away, but for me it just didn't have the same sound and effect on me that still life and BWP did), yet I still don't want to mosh to Opeth or "tear shit up" when a certain riff comes along. Maybe Opeth getting coverage in mags like Guitar World (good mag, but too pop-rock) and other nu-metal mags like Revolver etc is a bad idea, and drawing in the wrong kind of crowd like what happened to In flames from what I saw at the last show I was at in April. Everyone was singing along to the clayman songs and into them, but only a handful of us knew songs like artifacts and clad in shadows and enjoyed them a lot :err: . It clearly baffled some people as to how clad in shadows was an in flames song (mostly teens aged 13-16 it looked like).