How is everyone's training going?

Really cool! I can't do things like that yet, it's a little hard for me too because my hair makes it hard to do a headstand because I can't really feel the top of my head correctly when I get into that position. In other words, am afraid of falling and breaking my neck haha.

Have you been studying yoga these days? The hippy yoga class sounds promising, would like to hear the deets of it once you've taken it.
Yeah I've mostly been doing self-practice lately because yoga classes are crazy expensive and the ones at my gym are bad and at inopportune times. But my old roomie was a yoga teacher and one of my current ones is in training, so between them I've got the basics down. But I'd really like to find a good class and this one I'm gonna check out is free and seems to have a legit approach (integration of meditation, asana and philosophy) so hopfully this can be it!

But yeah, big hair can be a pain during inversions! Still in a headstand, the weight should be distributed on your arms, not your neck! So if you do that part correctly, then the hair shouldn't matter.
They really are very expensive, and most encourage you to do it every day. It's like who has the money to do them every day, when they are like 20-30 per class. There are organizations like Yoga to the People who have donation based classes, which is awesome. Maybe they have a California locations too, well it's not like you need it yet haha but maybe this class that you are going to take might be all you need for now.

Yeah I am definitely doing them completely wrong :lol:It's so hard to distribute it on your arms, though! yeah, my problem is i don't get into the postures right so while I'm in them then i try to fix it, which is never a good idea. One day it'll happen... congrats on yours though!
Went to my first 2 yoga classes Saturday and Sunday. I feel stiff as fuck and like I've sprained everything. How does soreness from being a yoga newb differ from regular DOMS?
I'm not sure how to articulate the way in which it's different but it definitely is! I don't know, the second day was brutal for me after my first few sessions, especially on my legs. But yeah I seriously thought I had tore or sprained by legs and back. It gets better though and now I just have regular soreness comparable to when I lift.

My workout routine has gone to hell since school started. I have no time and I've only been getting to the gym once or twice a week and even then, only lifting. I'm getting no cardio. I need to start finding a way to sneak in a few hours of yoga in here and there because I can just tell I need more blood-flow.
Went to my first 2 yoga classes Saturday and Sunday. I feel stiff as fuck and like I've sprained everything. How does soreness from being a yoga newb differ from regular DOMS?

Feels like you sprained everything? For your first two, Id say the soreness and stiffness is normal, but not feeling like everything is sprained lol

A lot of toxins are released during yoga sessions. Thats why its imperative to drink copious amounts of fluids after.

Ironically, some gentle poses would help loosen you back up again.
Yoga affects the body in a totally different way than lifting. Lifting is focused primarily muscle development (though there are obviously a lot of ancillary benefits). While yoga postures do benefit muscles, their primary purpose is to affect particular aspects of the endocrine, nervous and lymphatic systems. The postures were originally designed to prepare people for extended meditation, so when you do them correctly they can trigger all sorts of chemical releases throughout the body.
Why would you think it's BS? Is it really hard to believe that moving your body into certain positions can affect those systems? The body releases chemicals throughout the day based on the various pressures and postures it experences. Why is it hard to believe that if we systematically target certain pressure poits we can control what is released? Either way, a lot of these claims are supported by scientific studies anyway.
I have some pre-existing physical issues from hurting myself running and lifting, and I'm certain that my form was not amazing. I'll continue and see how it goes. Also the studio is covered in Alex Grey art and I recognize some people there from the bong store, heh.

I ran 5K in 25 minutes today...on a treadmill, which means I'll probably need to tack on a couple minutes for a road situation. I signed up for a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving cause why not.
Why would you think it's BS? Is it really hard to believe that moving your body into certain positions can affect those systems? The body releases chemicals throughout the day based on the various pressures and postures it experences. Why is it hard to believe that if we systematically target certain pressure poits we can control what is released? Either way, a lot of these claims are supported by scientific studies anyway.

Isn't yoga just elongated awkward stretching? I don't see how different 'glands' are used in doing yoga than in weight lifting, and honestly just comes off as smug as fuck. "I do yoga so i'm more in touch with my endocrine system"--but whatever
Tell that to some 5,000 year old ascetics in ancient India, if it was BS and didn't have tons of benefits for its practitioners it wouldn't be around.
Isn't yoga just elongated awkward stretching? I don't see how different 'glands' are used in doing yoga than in weight lifting, and honestly just comes off as smug as fuck. "I do yoga so i'm more in touch with my endocrine system"--but whatever

If you don't see it that's due to a lack of knowledge on your part. Seriously, if you're actually interested, research it. Many articles from peer reviewed science journals are available on the subject. But based on the way you're speaking I'm pretty sure no amount of evidence will change your opinion.
Tell that to some 5,000 year old ascetics in ancient India, if it was BS and didn't have tons of benefits for its practitioners it wouldn't be around.

If it's so great why has it only caught in the last ~5 years? And only for rich white people? Fad.

If you don't see it that's due to a lack of knowledge on your part. Seriously, if you're actually interested, research it. Many articles from peer reviewed science journals are available on the subject. But based on the way you're speaking I'm pretty sure no amount of evidence will change your opinion.

I actually read one article, , and it pretty much states that blood flow is increased when you breathe and do yoga(which is crazy since ALL WORKING OUT DOES THAT)

"Each time you take a yogic breath while in a posture, you do two things: you increase blood flow and pressure on one part of the body and you decrease it on another."

"This massaging, flushing, and cleansing action stimulates endocrine functions to more optimal levels. Anyone who practices yoga regularly can verify that this process is actually tangible, and that increasing levels of confidence and a more positive mental outlook are natural results."

So you're saying doing Yoga is a stress reliever? Wow, working out and running have that same exact effect, insane!

"Yoga reduces cortisol and adrenalin levels in the body by returning it to a physically stress-free state, making it less susceptible to illness and more prone to resiliency and vitality."

Again, nothing different from yoga and lifting.

Doing squats supposedly releases more Testosterone in the body, which is fantastic for males, but I do go around and acting like i'm better or more in touch with my body than people who don't? Hell no.
The only personal benefit I saw in yoga is specifically the stretching, recovering the flexibility lost in lifting and day to day living. The portions of yoga directed at building strength or relieving stress don't seem to really have anything on other forms of physical training.