How is everyone's training going?

Outside of, ya know, heroin and shit, food addiction is a fucking bitch. I went vegetarian/borderline vegan years ago and I still struggle with over consumption.

Yep, with glucose and whey isolate. It's fantastic, it might be a placebo effect but I stop being sore shortly after I drink it. Right now I only drink a shake post-workout, but I'm going to start taking creatine before as well. Part of my issue was that I was only taking protein afterwards and sometimes I didn't get enough glucose, meaning that the protein was converted into glucose instead of going to my muscles. Now I'm consistently getting maximum recovery.

I started P90X3 a couple weeks ago.

I've been in and out of "trying to lose weight" for longer than I care to say. I finally hit a point in my life (I'm getting old man!) where I'm sick of being fat and there's no excuse for it. Many reasons, no excuses.

That said, I actually have a site up where I am posting my daily journey. I don't dare post it here (yet) as I'm "letting it all hang out" on there and there would surely be some folks here grabbing my pics and having a ball with Photoshop haha.

Nutrition wise I'm essentially eating 85%+ paleo (clean meats, veggies, nuts, seeds, fruit, "good" carbs, etc.). I find that I don't fret eating because I like all that stuff anyways. I did go through the "carb flu" for 3-5 days which was weird. But, after that lifted it was quite euphoric.

Workouts as I said are P90X3. As soon as it warms up I'll be back to hitting the bike trails as well.

I started at a lovely 268lbs. and the goal weight is 185lbs. Yes, got to be quite the fat ass the last few years. That's what a desk job, married, kids, working at a desk at home, too much BF3/4, etc. will do to ya.

I'd be curious if there is anyone who's story is similar to mine that's starting/currently engaged in a weight loss transformation?

Nice. As long as you continue to eat properly, you will get to where you need to be. I tried p90x some years ago as a cardio supplement and didn't like it much, I'm much more of a gym person, but it's pretty in depth and will get results with consistency and effort. Diet is the most important thing though.
Outside of, ya know, heroin and shit, food addiction is a fucking bitch. I went vegetarian/borderline vegan years ago and I still struggle with over consumption.

Yes I struggle with this as well. I'm slowly getting over it but I'm still heavily addicted to fast food and sodas. It's awful.
You clearly lift like a beast, but the creatine loading is pretty obvious. I mean no offense by this, but it is what gives you that Inflatables look. There are some downsides to adding that water weight when you eventually come off it.
I don't use very much at all really. I use a teaspoon with every shake. If you use too much your body will stop producing it naturally, which can be devastating long term. Mainly load up on protein.

But no, I'm not a creatine loader. It also might be the picture too.

Edit; also, as far as I know, there isn't a big difference between the 'loading' method and taking regular dosages. Both achieve the same results. IMO, it's better to take small doses regularly, because then if you have a really hard workout or need for recovery, taking more will have a larger impact.
Oh ok. maybe it's just the pic then.

There is a difference between what is considered proper loading and just taking some extra to aid in recovery.

"Loading" involves taking a significant amount for the first x number of days combined with a ton of water, and then backing it off for a while to a "maintain" level, and then at some point there will be another loading phase. It's bad for your kidneys (iirc) and then yeah, it can screw up your natural production etc.

I struggled with binge eating a lot a few years ago as a symptom of dieting. I never want to go there ever again and that means not having the figure I'd prefer, but it's worth it. What's the general consensus re: OA vs more moderate methods of handling food addiction?

I've gained about 3 pounds in a month and am stronger but not noticeably fatter. It's magic.
I haven't figured it out completely yet. I have to force myself to buy healthy foods to make at home. Right now, for example, I just woke up and am craving a Mr. Pibb so hard. Probably going to give in. There are also supplements that help control appetite, Garcinia works fairly well as an all-natural choice. There are also prescriptions like phentermine.

Part of my problem is that I hate being stuck in the house, and going out to eat is a natural cure for that issue.
Someone I know lost (sadly regained) 100 lbs by binge eating shredded cabbage instead of McDonalds/whatever vice she had. Her compulsion was volume eating more than anything though.

Who the fuck even knows. Eating shouldn't be complicated but it is for so many people.
Mathiäs one of my biggest hurdles was my addiction to drinking Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi. Now, granted it is diet, still, all that junk in it... and that's ALL I drank for the most part. That would end up being like 9-11 a day (12 oz. cans).

You have to come to a point in your mind, a "enough is friggin enough" with the routine/habits. I didn't go cold turkey, but I only have 4 a day now. Hopefully it will decrease a bit more. I drink water (which I hattttttted before all this) now. I found being able to drink COLD water helped me to like it more, or tolerate may be the better word. That also helps fill me up on the eating side of things.

Anyways, yeah the sodas are killers and hard to break the habit.
Non-caffeinated tea is a big one for me. I'll go through a box of 20 teabags in a week. Water on its own gets so boring so quickly and it's hard to drink cold liquids in winter.
I decided to stop my weight-lifting routine since, well, it never really became a routine. It's just too annoying to have to share a weight-room with a bunch of Big Ten school bros hogging all the equipment at any given time of day.

Instead I've decided to go to the gym daily, alternating between swim days in the pool and running days on the treadmill. I still get a full-body workout, but it's more mindless and less complicated. And best of all, some semblance of solitude (I go to the pool early in the morning, so I usually get a lane to myself).
Mathiäs;10793976 said:

Thought I'd post a pic of my gains. Sorry for the large picture. Decent progress so far but a lot of work to do.

Are you just hitting bicep workouts? I totally don't recommend it, biceps are probably the most useless muscle other than trying to impress bitches. But yah, Creatine has to be the biggest scam for anyone not just trying to impress chicks, really don't recommend any supplements other than a Whey post-workout protein.
Mathiäs;10797307 said:
Lol no I work everything. I know how to lift. And actually, it's quite helpful if used properly.

It's like your biceps are bigger than your chest, and you probably shrug too much with your cool little traps!

Recovery? I barely even get sore anymore, especially after 1 day. 4 day rotation of body parts worked and i'm never still sore from the first time

Creatine is definitely a scam but I mean you're welcome to spend money on it
It's like your biceps are bigger than your chest, and you probably shrug too much with your cool little traps!

Recovery? I barely even get sore anymore, especially after 1 day. 4 day rotation of body parts worked and i'm never still sore from the first time

Creatine is definitely a scam but I mean you're welcome to spend money on it

Pretty sure its just the picture being weird. My arms aren't as big as I'd like and my chest is proportional lol. I also guarantee my bench (and everything else) is better than yours. Post some pics to back up your shit talk.
And if you don't get sore anymore, you aren't varying up your workouts enough and probably are just wasting your time. Good job.