How is everyone's training going?

forgot I made this topic.

My training is going well. I joined Gym Jones almost a year ago and did the MOS training, which was pretty ass kicking. Now I'm doing an operator fitness one month program. Some imbalances to correct in general: power clean technique (I've got very long arms), ankle and wrist flexibility, overall work tolerance.
Mathiäs;10797362 said:
Pretty sure its just the picture being weird. My arms aren't as big as I'd like and my chest is proportional lol. I also guarantee my bench (and everything else) is better than yours. Post some pics to back up your shit talk.

Yah ya see, the truth comes out! "My arms aren't as big as I'd like" haha it's cool man I just don't get the point of having big biceps, the inhibit motion for lifts and do nothing except maybe help rows. But you're acting like you look at that pic and youre arms don't seem huge compared to the rest of your body haha of course it does

I don't really get into dick measuring contests, I was just interested in why you seem to do a lot of bicep work, and maybe shrug err day all day. What's your routine(s)? I've started thinking about incorporating Olympic Lifting into my 'weight lifting' routines but have no idea how to manage it.

Mathiäs;10797371 said:
And if you don't get sore anymore, you aren't varying up your workouts enough and probably are just wasting your time. Good job.

You're telling me after a chest day you're sore for 3-4 days after? There is only so much variation you can do, unless you alternate between power and toning days, then maybe I guess. But that sort of makes no sense.
Yah ya see, the truth comes out! "My arms aren't as big as I'd like" haha it's cool man I just don't get the point of having big biceps, the inhibit motion for lifts and do nothing except maybe help rows. But you're acting like you look at that pic and youre arms don't seem huge compared to the rest of your body haha of course it does

I don't really get into dick measuring contests, I was just interested in why you seem to do a lot of bicep work, and maybe shrug err day all day. What's your routine(s)? I've started thinking about incorporating Olympic Lifting into my 'weight lifting' routines but have no idea how to manage it.

You're telling me after a chest day you're sore for 3-4 days after? There is only so much variation you can do, unless you alternate between power and toning days, then maybe I guess. But that sort of makes no sense.

I don't work biceps any more than I do anything else. I rotate between circuit workouts and working individual groups. Right now I'm doing groups, arms, shoulders/back, chest, legs/core. Plus cardio. My biceps are big, but so are my forearms, triceps, etc. And no, without creatine I'm sore the next day. With a combination of whey, glucose, and creatine I feel better almost instantaneously. This way I don't skip gym days or switch routines up due to soreness.

And its not a dick measuring contest, you came in here talking all sorts of shit, basically saying I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. I'd love to see how built you are since you know so much about lifting. The pic I posted doesn't show my whole body and I shrunk the size of it, so its distorted a little.
Well, taking supplements to avoid feeling sore is kind of silly. You're going to get a false sense of knowing when your body is overworked and probably have some damage, which I have had since I used to think doing two-a-days for a long time was really smart.

Circuit workouts in the same muscle groups? What are you doing 10-12 exercises per? Or are you a crossfit do one exercise 30 sets worth?

It totally is a dick measuring contest, you obviously lift so people can compliment you on your gains, where as I don't seek the need for satisfaction from third parties, and that's totally fine just two different ideologies behind lifting. I just said why are your biceps bigger than your chest, and probably your legs(HARDY HAR HAR)

I'm also built like a Greek god so there's that
I couldn't care less about what people say or think about me lol I lift because I need to for sports and because I just want to get as fit as possible. I enjoy bettering myself. I posted a picture because I've made a lot of progress. And no, I never push it too hard. Two-a-days are totally retarded also.

My chest is actually quite large, I probably bench more often than I do anything else. My legs are also incredibly strong as I am a catcher and used to play football. I can rep 400 squatting easily.

You can't hang with me bro. Don't hate.
I always feel so guilty when I read this thread.

Been eating like total crap. I work outside mostly now, so I eat Burger King for lunch (usually just fries and some shitty chicken sandwich since i'm attempting not to eat red meat) very often. And potato chips is my deadly sin. I love the original lays, the cheese riffles, cheetos... :/

Praying for my luck to stay with me and not gain too much weight, or just for this weather to brighten up to enroll in a new dance class.
Just think of the meat that burger king uses. The sickening cruelty of chickens and all animals in factory farms.

Now buy a Nutribullet and grind up some fruit and kale, faggot.
Don't do it for cruelty reasons, I do it because it's a little bit better for you than red meat and the fact that I don't have the luxury of buying "un-cruel" meat around where I work.

Also, I have/do juice. Nowhere am I asking for advice (eating better is self explanatory info you talk to others here because it's encouraging), so you can suck it. :]
Don't do it for cruelty reasons, I do it because it's a little bit better for you than red meat and the fact that I don't have the luxury of buying "un-cruel" meat around where I work.

Hormone-infused shitty processed fast-food chicken 'meat' isn't better for you than anything. Industrial strength floor cleaner probably holds more nutritional value.
^ :lol:

I know, and to be perfectly honest with you if I researched it I'd probably be grossed out by the results. However, if it's completely unsafe to eat wouldn't there be a restriction/laws against it? I mean... geez, i know it's not the best but if it was totally bad there would have to be something to protect the consumer.

Edit: had to fix were to was. really bothered me.
Do some research you fucking mongrel

Later today will be a hard shoulder workout. Not sure which exercises I'm gonna do but I usually do ten exercises, 3 sets of 8.
Food deserts are a real thing. Not claiming to practice the most healthy eating habits ever; however, if the only place to grab something to eat is a bodega that sells chips and candy and chains like mcdonalds, you just eat what's there. Not that that's an excuse, really, but still am learning my job area and right not being able to do the job quick is a priority. Sucks that restaurants are allowed to sell you poison, there really should be laws against that. It's kind of a catch 22 because once spoke with one of those factory guys, and got some perspective. Feeding a huge city like NYC is a huge task, and yes a lot of shit they do is not ethical but if you are required to produce x amount of eggs... Idk may make you careless :/

Point is, I know that shit is bad for you. Nowhere did I claim it's good. Just figured their chicken meat is better for you than their burgers.. That was all I claimed. But then again it's pointless arguing with jimmy...dead since all he cares about is being insulting for no reason. It's really not cool to call someone a mongrel but if you think that makes you cool then whatever, your choice to be a shitty human being.
I think the point was that the regulation industrial complex does not operate in the interest of consumers. Yeah there are food deserts, but demand, or lack thereof, creates them.