How is everyone's training going?

You'll at least be lifting heavy stuff while you move, right?

Once I fucking get to where I'm getting I'll start back. All my stuff is packed and my gym membership is canceled. It's only one week at the max, but it's still killing me.

But I'm pretty excited about the cycle I'm starting. On my way to looking like John Cena in no time


...probably not, but a man can dream
Ran 3 miles today for the first time since 2009. Almost exactly 27 minutes, not bad at all imo.

Nice, why did you take 5 years off? Injury?

I'm chugging along. Still yoked as fuck. I have a friend who forgets leg day and is like an underwear model on top but a stork on the bottom. He's about 180 and I'm 120 soaking wet and I have bigger thighs. SUCCESS
Nice, why did you take 5 years off? Injury?

Well I've run here an there during that span, just never more than 2 miles. I have been dealing with golfers elbow for the last year though. Even if I had time to lift it is limiting. I do get some workout at work but it also irritates the tendons so it never fucking heals.

I'm chugging along. Still yoked as fuck. I have a friend who forgets leg day and is like an underwear model on top but a stork on the bottom. He's about 180 and I'm 120 soaking wet and I have bigger thighs. SUCCESS

Honestly I get the most 'joy' and 'satisfaction' from training legs and deadlifts, the other stuff isn't as awesome to me anymore. Still a bitch though
Probably fucked my elbow tendon up more doing triceps exercises
I've definitely gotten stronger on this cycle, though it hasn't done shit for me muscularly except for make me more vascular and harden me up a lot
Well it's been too damn muggy and hot to enjoy running outside so I've gotten back on the exercise bike. Currently hitting 8 miles per day at 10 resistance (of an available 14-15 or something). I don't do it on the weekends but I probably walk 10-15 miles per day or something ridiculous at work so....
The wife and I have been running fairly regularly for just under three weeks now; alternation, actually - walk, jog, walk, jog, etc. We usually average a pace of about 8.5 minutes per mile while running.

Anyway, I've been getting a dull pain on the inside of me knee, right on the bone. It feels like a bruise. There are other pains as well, in the shins and such. I've shrugged them off thus far as just my body working out the kinks, but I figured I'd post here and see what others have experienced. My legs have never buckled, and I can go through each jog no problem - the pain is never sharp or stabbing. I just want to be cautious.
Can't fix shin splints except with rest. They suck, and are common if you start running too hard too quick. Pain in the knee might just be stuff in need of proper stretching. Either way, going to have to do something non-contact (like biking or an elliptical), or nothing, for a while to fix those shin splints.

Still doing the exercise biking, upped the difficulty to 12, which is getting me to 8.5 daily in my 20 minute time (always do 20 mins). I've also figured my golfers elbow isn't going away anytime soon so I've started doing some light lifting again twice a week in ways that don't aggravate it.
You can fix shin splints by running at a man's pace. Try opening up your stride and running backwards while you run to try and loosen it up.
Yeah, I've read about shin splints. The pain in the shins isn't bad, but I have my bike if I need to give the legs a rest.

What the hell is a "man's pace"? My stride is longer than my wife's, but there's no way my pace is faster than hers. She used to train cross country and track.
it was a slight jest, 8.5min pace is a pretty slow pace per mile(I know your just starting) but basically all my problems in my legs came from running in small strides. When I started to open up, it was a great experience
Ah. Yes, it isn't fast; I wasn't trying to brag. To be honest, I'm not interested in increasing my pace, only being able to maintain over a longer distance. I'm mostly just interested in offsetting the beer that I consume.