How is everyone's training going?

I know that and all, it's just that i've personally fucked up my legs from running short strides and once i opened up, got that runner's high and all that jazz and could run somewhat quick. It just takes time, but you could keep the same pace honestly, just would be a slower step
I bought 20 lb. dumbbells last month and have definitely gained some muscle mass from curls and standing overhead lifts. I've been doing squats too, but I think I may need more weight for that.

Any good exercises with those weights for a relative beginner? Honestly just more concerned about looking good than actually being fit. I don't really need to lose weight and I'm not likely to cut back on beer or eat much better.
I bought 20 lb. dumbbells last month and have definitely gained some muscle mass from curls and standing overhead lifts. I've been doing squats too, but I think I may need more weight for that.

Any good exercises with those weights for a relative beginner? Honestly just more concerned about looking good than actually being fit. I don't really need to lose weight and I'm not likely to cut back on beer or eat much better.
Triceps kickbacks

Dumbbell squats for legs (because you don't want to have chicken legs, m8)

Dumbbell rows for the back

Dumbbell flys if you have something to substitute a bench press

And, if for some reason you're going for the no-neck look, shrugs with dumbbells

also, if you really don't plan on eating a little better and cutting down a bit on beer, you can fucking forget about looking good. A little moderation and care won't hurt, really. You'll thank yourself later
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I'm sure most men can pull off a 60kg/135lb squat easy enough first time. 20lb dumbbell squats just sounds like some dumb shit from a women's 'toning' workout.

Find a way to do some pull ups (get a frame to go in a door way, find a branch or some shit) and dips (easiest would be putting two chairs together).

20lb DB dumbbells and a shitty diet won't see you looking good.
With 20 lbers you're going to have to do insane amount of supersets and super slow or super fast reps to feel any kind of burn within a few weeks. I wouldn't recommend kickbacks or dumbell rows or shrugs with that weight because it's basically nothing. I would honestly just do bajillion dumbell bench reps, arnold presses/overhead, shoulder flies (laterally and whatever the other way is), dummbell lunges and for triceps uhhh ignore it because it's basically nothing. You can probably gain more mass from doing pushups than that weight but it's definitely a good start.

Here's hoping you get hooked!
With 20 lbers you're going to have to do insane amount of supersets and super slow or super fast reps to feel any kind of burn within a few weeks. I wouldn't recommend kickbacks or dumbell rows or shrugs with that weight because it's basically nothing. I would honestly just do bajillion dumbell bench reps, arnold presses/overhead, shoulder flies (laterally and whatever the other way is), dummbell lunges and for triceps uhhh ignore it because it's basically nothing. You can probably gain more mass from doing pushups than that weight but it's definitely a good start.

Here's hoping you get hooked!

you do realize that the triceps are 3/5 of the arm, right? So neglecting triceps while doing biceps will get you looking like a complete jackass, so ignore this stupid idea.
And pushups and lateral raises (shoulder flies???:rolleyes:) are also good ideas as well. Forgot about those.
Also, if kickbacks don't work for your triceps (which they should if you're doing them properly, even with that weight), then you could always do dips.
Getting heavier dumbbells would also be an idea as well.
Thanks for the tips. I have a slight build, so a lot of these exercises do not feel like nothing. I do agree that 20 lbs is too light to do meaningful squats, but I was looking for something all-purpose to begin with. The squats at least have some cardio benefits which is fine with me. I really dislike running. More push-ups is a good idea. My ability there has already doubled within a month. The tricep kickbacks kicked my ass today. I was getting a charlie horse feeling by about rep five. Maybe it was too much weight for where I am, or I was too tired/dehydrated/drunk. I don't have a bench, so I'll see if I can improvise some of those other moves.

My diet isn't that shitty. I drink a lot of beer, but avoid soda and sugary snacks. I'm sure I'm too heavy on sodium and carbs otherwise, but I eat a lot of low-sodium turkey sandwiches and salads with lean chicken during the week. I'm 5'8" and 170-175, so probably 20 pounds from ideal, but only 10 pounds away from being in a pretty good place.

Do any of you do yoga? I have the DDP yoga DVDs, but I don't enjoy it as much as weightlifting. I'd rather do lots of reps with lower rates for cardio.
It's basically impossible to get a tricep workout with dummbells. I dont believe kickbacks do anything, and you can lay on your back and bend at the elbow exercise, but personally I think it's bad for your joints. Cable machines are my preferred choice. And dips are hard to do when you aren't at a gym because who the hell has two long bars that are 5 ft high that are just laying around?
It's basically impossible to get a tricep workout with dummbells. I dont believe kickbacks do anything, and you can lay on your back and bend at the elbow exercise, but personally I think it's bad for your joints. Cable machines are my preferred choice. And dips are hard to do when you aren't at a gym because who the hell has two long bars that are 5 ft high that are just laying around?

How many times must we do this???
It is very possible to get a triceps workout with dumbbells.
There are alternatives to kickbacks
such as overhead triceps extensions, dumbbell skull crushers, etc..
Also, if your joints really get that bad, then just take joint support supplements
and you don't need two long bars that are 5 feet high to do dips, you can use two chairs (that are balanced properly, mind you) or just do them like this

It's called improvising, getting creative
MasterofLightning, I wouldn't listen to this fucker because he clearly doesn't know what he speaks of.
I think dips like this


are generally better (can lean forward to emphasize chest more or stay upright for triceps).

Dips like the above are fine... If you have someone to throw a load of weight on your legs.

How many times must we do this???
It is very possible to get a triceps workout with dumbbells.
There are alternatives to kickbacks
such as overhead triceps extensions, dumbbell skull crushers, etc..
Also, if your joints really get that bad, then just take joint support supplements
and you don't need two long bars that are 5 feet high to do dips, you can use two chairs (that are balanced properly, mind you) or just do them like this

It's called improvising, getting creative
MasterofLightning, I wouldn't listen to this fucker because he clearly doesn't know what he speaks of.

Have you ever done that workout? Takes like 100 to get a burn. Not sure if you actually workout but it's pretty unrealistic. Glad your advice for pain is to just take supplements, all the fish oil in the world isn't going to save your joints.
Have you ever done that workout? Takes like 100 to get a burn. Not sure if you actually workout but it's pretty unrealistic. Glad your advice for pain is to just take supplements, all the fish oil in the world isn't going to save your joints.

No it really doesn't if you're doing it properly. And, when it gets to the point where it does take 100 to get a burn, throw the 20 pound dumbbells (or any heavy object, really) in your lap and make it heavier. Simple solution...
And the stuff in my link wasn't just fish oil. It's the shit that chemically enhanced athletes take in order to help restore their joints due to the side-effects of certain anabolic substances. The shit's potent, trust me.
Now that I'm settled back into grad student life at Iowa I can resume a healthier lifestyle. I've adopted a virtually vegetarian diet on weekdays: oatmeal for breakfast, Ramen for lunch and any sort of rice dish for dinner, with peanut butter sandwiches for snacks. On weekends I'll treat myself to egg & toast breakfasts, or eat out if I go to Chicago that weekend, where I can unleash the carnivore in me.

Also, after a summer of having at least a couple drinks nearly every day, I've restricted alcohol consumption to Fridays and any weekends I go to Chicago (for concerts, mostly), or any day there's a concert in Iowa City (i.e. Windhand next week, and Om in October :D).

As for exercise, I commute by bicycle back and forth once or twice a day, since I go home for dinner before biking back to teach my evening class. I'm going to the rec centre every morning at 7, and am alternating days in the weight room with days in the pool. I work in the Speaking Center at 9 every morning, and the pool closes for swim team practices at 8, so I have good extrinsic incentives to get up every morning to work out. Also, going to the gymnasium that early reduces the amount of other people hogging weights and pool lanes.

Hoping to drop 10 lbs. I'm at 80 (6'0" in height) currently and have a slight beer gut I'd like to disappear.
Just do dips on rings. You recruit so many more muscle fibers and it's much more effective. A lot harder, too. Rings are the single best tool for upper body development and acquisition of explosive strength. Much better than dumb bells.
Now that I'm settled back into grad student life at Iowa I can resume a healthier lifestyle. I've adopted a virtually vegetarian diet on weekdays: oatmeal for breakfast, Ramen for lunch and any sort of rice dish for dinner, with peanut butter sandwiches for snacks. On weekends I'll treat myself to egg & toast breakfasts, or eat out if I go to Chicago that weekend, where I can unleash the carnivore in me.

Also, after a summer of having at least a couple drinks nearly every day, I've restricted alcohol consumption to Fridays and any weekends I go to Chicago (for concerts, mostly), or any day there's a concert in Iowa City (i.e. Windhand next week, and Om in October :D).

As for exercise, I commute by bicycle back and forth once or twice a day, since I go home for dinner before biking back to teach my evening class. I'm going to the rec centre every morning at 7, and am alternating days in the weight room with days in the pool. I work in the Speaking Center at 9 every morning, and the pool closes for swim team practices at 8, so I have good extrinsic incentives to get up every morning to work out. Also, going to the gymnasium that early reduces the amount of other people hogging weights and pool lanes.

Hoping to drop 10 lbs. I'm at 80 (6'0" in height) currently and have a slight beer gut I'd like to disappear.

Your current diet is anything but healthy (no offense).
I recently started weight training. I dunno why, I've never been interested in it until the past month or so. I guess it's given me a good incentive to stop being a raging alcoholic, because weight training and being an alcoholic don't mix very well (I was basically on a 7-month bender until February.)
Been training w my friend for the last week I feel great! Just gotta keep it up. I'm pro at doing something for a short amount of time then stopping for a long amount of time and ultimately failing. Trying to make this time different.
I put on quit a bit of weight over the course of my senior year from a mix of too much beer, good eating, stress, and no exercise. Decided to get serious about my fitness again so I started slowly working back into running shape. Ran a sunrise 5 miler this morning in 42 mins. Feeling pretty good other than my screaming calves. I've already trimmed off all my senior year weight gain in the last couple of months with moderate exercise and strict calorie intakes - except some occasional mixed drinks.
I've been trying to eat better and go to gym at least twice a week for a while now after being slack for a bit. Need to give it a bit more I think but holidays & friends visiting tend to get in the way of getting into a good routine.