How is everyone's training going?

I'm feeling pretty sore. Yesterday me and another guy moved the pieces and condenser unit of a disassembled industrial cooler from Founder's Brewing Co. They weren't that heavy but we were expecting them to be on pallets that a forklift could stick in the truck but they were instead sitting in a pile so we carried everything. Then we moved a large 1000ish lb set piece for a local theater. Then a small house move, the worst of which was getting the stackable washer/dryer combo out of the basement, and then at the new house carrying this ridiculously heavy solid wood hutch shelf thingy up shitty narrow stairs and standing it up on the landing that it barely fit in. First thing this morning we moved a piano. After that was another small house move. Probably carried stuff up and down stairs at least 50 times this afternoon. Ahhh, the life of a mover.
I think the point was that the regulation industrial complex does not operate in the interest of consumers. Yeah there are food deserts, but demand, or lack thereof, creates them.

This is true... But I suppose this isn't the thread to talk about such.

And on that note it's been real nerds, I'm out.
I had explosive diarrhea last night and this morning and it uncovered my abs. I should be less happy about that and more worried about my health.
I've only had explosive diarrhea once in my life and it was associated with a horrible stomach bug. It seems that it happens to you quite often :lol:

Probably doing chest today. Racquetball practice as cardio/warmup.
I fucking miss hot pot so much. I should go buy one.

2 months until my trip. I need to acquire new hiking boots and train hard in them.
Mathiäs;10797904 said:
And its not a dick measuring contest, you came in here talking all sorts of shit, basically saying I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. I'd love to see how built you are since you know so much about lifting. The pic I posted doesn't show my whole body and I shrunk the size of it, so its distorted a little.

This post actually made me lol. "Flex for me, pussy, I bet I'm better than you." The meathead faggot type is not something you want to shoot for, Matty.
I just started to put more effort into working out, and it feels fucking AMAZING! I don't know shit about proper things to do, etc, but I trudged around disc golfing in the snow for about five hours today and let me tell you that's a proper workout with a healthy dose of fun. There's even a chance I worked off that tallboy I was drinking the whole time :lol:

Meanwhile I've added squats to my bare minimum of daily crunches. No more saggy ass for this bitch. Doin better diet-wise too, opted for a banana instead of pizza bites for a snack.

And on that note it's been real nerds, I'm out.

You are marriage material. I hope your man appreciates you.
I don't think I'll ever be able to get massive traps. But I'll be damned if I don't try at all

Yesterday I did chest/triceps. Twas a good workout, as usual. Weekends are my rest days
Back on the crossfit gravy train with a dose of powerlifting worked in. Today was ten sets of deadlifts with 335lb and then a nice puke-inducing circuit of flipping a 500lb tire and doing burpees. Was a good day. Definitely enjoyed that giant ribeye and cheesecake after.

You are marriage material. I hope your man appreciates you.

Ha! <3
Are you doing the squat challenge? I've seen results on that and they look pretty damn good.

Edit: the guy above looks kinda disproportionate to me. Short muscular arms and tiny wide torso. Looks like a street fighter character.
Squants are magic. My hips are so fucking tight though from sitting in a chair all day. That's the only thing keeping me from putting more plates on the bar. It's frustrating!
I am half assedly doing daily squats haha. Starting to get to that age, dude. Can't rely on my amazing metabolism anymore. Summertime I'm good because I'm out discing all day, but it's hard making myself exercise inside when it's just something I've never done. Feels weird.