How long does it take to recover from a broken heart?

It takes a while as everyone has said, and the chances are the girls in question don't/didn't feel so great. And as someone else mentioned, never beg them to go back with you, because even if you succeed, thing's won't be the same and the chances are it won't work. There won't be enough comittment.

After a few months of feeling like shit I started to feel better, and people start to realise that you're single and so on, so you get more attention and more chances to socialise in general, which helps a hell of a lot. Try doing something new to meet new people, etc.
End of Your Days said:
It's hard to keep busy when you have no friends, and nowhere to go. It's all I do... sit alone, and think about her... and why this has happened to me.

I don't have any friends either, man. :( All the friends I once had have long forgotten me and moved on in their lives. I've never had a girlfriend to begin with to have a broken part. But there was this one girl I was in puppy love with long, long ago... I choked up and broke her heart, and have always, always regretted it... It's always stuck in my mind; especially now that I'm all alone and have no social life, but she has also long forgotten me... I know because I have connections and got her AIM, and she didn't know who the fuck I am. I'm hoping that was just puppy love and she's stuck in my mind because I have no girl to replace her in my mind, and one day I will find the true love of my life... after I get myself sorted out. I'm probably gonna have to go out and find her because I've been waiting for the right girl to come along since that one girl and nothing.
End of Your Days said:
It's just the damn music I listen to. It reflects the way I look and act, and no one around this area acts this way. Life would be so much more fun and easy if I just started acting "gangsta". But, I'm too stubborn. Fuck that, I'll die alone before I betray the only thing that hasn't stabbed me in the heart: The music I love.

You can't move somewhere else?
Krakatau said:
I don't have any friends either, man. :( All the friends I once had have long forgotten me and moved on in their lives. I've never had a girlfriend to begin with to have a broken part. But there was this one girl I was in puppy love with long, long ago... I choked up and broke her heart, and have always, always regretted it... It's always stuck in my mind; especially now that I'm all alone and have no social life, but she has also long forgotten me... I know because I have connections and got her AIM, and she didn't know who the fuck I am. I'm hoping that was just puppy love and she's stuck in my mind because I have no girl to replace her in my mind, and one day I will find the true love of my life... after I get myself sorted out. I'm probably gonna have to go out and find her because I've been waiting for the right girl to come along since that one girl and nothing.

I have no advice, I just wish things were easier. I don't know what to do, and I'm getting to the point where I just don't care about anything. I'm no longer careful at work, if I get hurt badly... whatever, don't care.

All you can do is hope.
End of Your Days said:
Where? It's not easy to just pick up and move.

I don't know, surely there are some good cities to live in in the US, I mean it's no Australia, :p but from the sound of things anything would be better for you than where you are now.

I guess what you think is worth doing is up to you, but you don't sound very happy the way you are. You still like your music, so I would say there must be some hope for you yet. Find somewhere with a good music scene, where you can get out to shows and meet some people, throw back a beer and forget about the past. Live for the moment, that is the best advice I can offer anyone, it is what I have learnt from my heartbreak... and believe me I have had a few, I am a woman. :rolleyes:

But anyway, you will do what suits you I guess so good luck mate.
I'd listen to Shiny because what she says makes sense.

Of course I wouldn't listen to her too much because she seems to always post something miserable and cynical but I guess that just must be her nature.

The world is in general a good place.... I mean we have metal gigs we can go to... METAL GIGS MAN, what are you doing moping about when you could be going to a show getting wasted and having a good time.

P.S I want to give a lot of you dudes a big non gay hug or something
End of Your Days said:
I'm too far-gone. Don't worry about it, I've accpeted the fact that I'll be alone forever, thinking about her. It's all right.

I don't think that, you won't be alone forever and things will look up for you. :)
I hate when people start that faggoty shit. Ever since this "emo" shit hit big, if you show any sign of emotion, you're instantly an "emo fag". Fucking ridiculous. So now, if your family dies in a fatal car crash.. don't you dare shed a tear, or you'll be emo! :O Fucking die.
There is a difference between crying about the death of a relative and continually posting about your "oh so bad circumstances" on a message board. And really you're only as "emo fag" as you think you are, so keep up the good work.