How long does it take to recover from a broken heart?

End of your days : It`s real hard getting over an ex. And the thing is, if you really loved that girl you will never forget her. You will always love her in a way. The thing you gotta do is not try to forget her, this will hurt more next time you see her. The hurting feelings will come back and probably hit you harder.

I know. Been there.
It`s 4 years ago now, the most perfect boy broke my heart. We had been together for 3 years, first time I met him we lived on the same floor in a studentcollectiv. Our rooms was right next to eachother. It took some time before we actually talked to each other. It was the most perfect years of my life. He introduced me to metal music, we used to lay down on the bed, lights of, enjoying music and talked about everything and nothing.
We didn`t talk to each other for 2 years after the break, until I met him again on a folk/viking metal forum.
For a long time I was really down.
And the hardest thing was to hear that he got a new girlfriend.
I understood I had to get over this feeling. I had to think that it was his loose not mine.
But I never forgot my feelings for him, deep, deep inside i just wanted him the best.

Now I have a boyfriend and a daughter that`s 2 years old.
And even so I still think of my ex and remember everything. It`s a closed chapter but the memories are still there.

Theres a saying : If you love it set it free. If it comes back it`s yours.

Conclutions must be : don`t forget your feelings for your ex, just let her go.
It`s damn hard and it takes time but you will make it.
Well, when I thought I was in love, it was about a year (off and on) of heartbreak because I still talked to him. Then I realized I was never in love with him, but the person I wished he was. You know? After that, I got over him instantly.

(On a side note, I'm sort of scared he'll find me one day and kill me. Really!)
Been 17 months, and I still can't say that it's much better. I guess I drink myself black less now though.

I'm pretty much with you, I just have no idea when things will finally turn around since I lost the first actual love I ever had. Funny how two years+ can just be pissed away by some people without much care.

I can only say that music and friends are pretty much the only things that can legitimately make one feel better. At least you can buy music! Hmm. Ah well.
Yeah, I know. That was kind of my point, guess it wasn't a great one though. :/

Regardless though, the music that owned our hearts two years ago will still be the same music that can rip our hearts today, I guess would be a cliche' enough thing to say.

Basically, all I can say, and this is coming from a broken hearted alcoholic that has just recently managed to hook up with a few of his old high-school friends if you want to believe that, is to just keep on going. I've pushed a few of the people I know to the absolute edge with how violently wasted I got in the months after my heart was ripped to shreds, but although nothing great is really on the horizon, just from persevering I've lucked into returning to a few old friends and having something great to not only keep my mind off of the heartbreak, but to start moving on as well.

I'm sure that many of us here on UM have figured out that we aren't always going to get the "lucky draw" that we think so many others get. Regardless, all I can tell you is just to keep waking up. Reclaiming old old friends and going across country to great shows together have made me feel worlds and worlds better. What can make you feel the same? You won't know until it hits you. My point?

Keep waking up, man. Just keep waking up! Take it from me, I'm still not there, and it's been a long time, but it will come my friend! Kinda life's little circle or something morbid like that!
Do what makes you happy and the feelings will eventually change.

I know its easier said than hurts but it will only make you a stronger person to withstand the pain and not breakdown.