How long does it take to recover from a broken heart?

Who is asking you questions? I'm talking to you, and yes, I don't want to hear it, but you keep saying it.

Seriously there is so much to be enjoyed in life, it angers me to hear people complain about it when we have so much power over our own lives and to a greater extent our own happiness. A year spent worrying about the past is really such a waste , I truely feel sorry for you and I will leave it at that.
End of Your Days said:
I'm too far-gone. Don't worry about it, I've accpeted the fact that I'll be alone forever, thinking about her. It's all right.
Everybody feels emotion, it's normal. But it's statements like this that just push me over the edge. This is emo in it's entirety. There's no way anybody has absolutely zero hope in life.

Before you accuse me of being mean and tell me to "fucking die", think about this: If you go through life with this attitude you WILL live out your life alone and in misery that's for sure. With a positive attitude on shit your life will significantly get better I guarantee it, you just have to put in the necessary effort.
MrFast said:
Everybody feels emotion, it's normal. But it's statements like this that just push me over the edge. This is emo in it's entirety. There's no way anybody has absolutely zero hope in life.

Before you accuse me of being mean and tell me to "fucking die", think about this: If you go through life with this attitude you WILL live out your life alone and in misery that's for sure. With a positive attitude on shit your life will significantly get better I guarantee it, you just have to put in the necessary effort.

You act like I having thought about that. How do you know what I have and haven't done? I've tried and tried, when you continue to fail and get fucked over each and everytime, you start getting tired of trying. Why try? To set yourself up to get fucked over just a little more? No thanks.
i'm not even going to read this thread because i'm just going to tell you what i tell everyone else that asks me (everyone that knows me btw)
get laid
go fuck someone seperate from the person that just broke your heart
it will help i promise
Uh, no. I don't know about all other dudes, but I don't work that way. Sex with a stranger doesn't interest me one bit. I absolutely MUST like (a lot) or love the person.
I just thought of something, End Of Your Days... It's a cheap way out but it sure as hell would work.

If you think your actual life sucks that much, go out and purchase World of Warcraft. You'll get sucked in and forget about your miseries in no time.
MrFast said:
I just thought of something, End Of Your Days... It's a cheap way out but it sure as hell would work.

If you think your actual life sucks that much, go out and purchase World of Warcraft. You'll get sucked in and forget about your miseries in no time.


I don't even know how to comment on that last remark. My wife got addicted to that game, and spent more time playing it than being with me. She found someone on that game and left me for him. :|

That didn't help... AT ALL.
End of Your Days said:

I don't even know how to comment on that last remark. My wife got addicted to that game, and spent more time playing it than being with me. She found someone on that game and left me for him. :|

That didn't help... AT ALL.

OH SHIT! Aww man... that's awful... :cry:
End of Your Days said:

I don't even know how to comment on that last remark. My wife got addicted to that game, and spent more time playing it than being with me. She found someone on that game and left me for him. :|

That didn't help... AT ALL.

I'm so sorry, now I feel bad for posting that.... :(
End of Your Days said:

I don't even know how to comment on that last remark. My wife got addicted to that game, and spent more time playing it than being with me. She found someone on that game and left me for him. :|

That didn't help... AT ALL.

Sorry, I had no way of knowing. I'm very very sorry for mentioning that. :(
i'm not even going to read this thread because i'm just going to tell you what i tell everyone else that asks me (everyone that knows me btw)
get laid
go fuck someone seperate from the person that just broke your heart
it will help i promise
i agree with this because i'm a total nympho