How many cd's do you own

Oooh, good question. Are we counting ALL cd's? Or just cd's that we actually still listen to? I'm going to have to go count now. :erk:
Most likely, I have over 2,000 cd's, some of which are Japanese. It never ends... It's funny that this post was started as I tell my friend all the time that I am overwhelmed with all this great music and hardly ever have the time to listen to most of my cd's. They just keep coming and coming. I just ordered the Nightwish single Nemo and the new Eldritch- Portrait of the Abyss!
nightwish58 said:
Most likely, I have over 2,000 cd's, some of which are Japanese. It never ends... It's funny that this post was started as I tell my friend all the time that I am overwhelmed with all this great music and hardly ever have the time to listen to most of my cd's. They just keep coming and coming. I just ordered the Nightwish single Nemo and the new Eldritch- Portrait of the Abyss!

When you get that Eldritch tell me how it is, I was thinking about getting it at Progpower.
About 250.

I don't have the funds to support buying stuff that I'm not going to listen to on a regular basis, or have some deep nostalgic love for. I buy maybe 10-15 CDs a year, and about 2-3 of them at ProgPower.

(I suppose if I spent less on books and computer junk, I'd have more for CDs...)
Thats quite funny someone posted this as I was gazing at my mountain of Cd's and wondering to myself, "How Many Do I Have?" and "What Do I Have?". Yesterday I started entering all of them into my computer and will not stop until I am finished. I would say I have around 2000 give or take. We will know in a couple of days!
I have around, 775- 800. Usually about 15 or 20 a month. Hey that's not bad considering my age either.

Here's a question, what was the most you've ever dropped on ONE cd?

Mine would be 200 on the 95 Savage Poetry or 48 on the Japanese version of Andi Deris' first solo album.

CDs I think I'm around the 2,500+ area. Vinyl is around 2-300, cassettes around 100 or so. The only cassettes I have right now is stuff oop and unavailable on CD and autographed cassettes.

I spent $27 on Aina, I know I could have gotten it cheaper, but I actually saw it in a store near where I live and not at PP or the End Records. Being that's a pretty rare sighting I figured it was worth the extra $ just to be able to listen to it on the way home.

I blew $100 on 2 vinyl copies of Peter Criss' Let Me Rock You album back in 90-91. That was the first time I've ever seen them for sale and snagged one for myself and one of my best buds who was a fan.
I am presently at 2,494 and am curently adding 4 or 5 new ones per week. But I must say I have been buying for a few years. And if we are counting, I have app. 700 records, 200 cassetts, and get this 750 8-track tapes. Does this give away my age?