How many email addresses do you have?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I have 5 that I check on a daily basis, and several others I check a few times a year or forget about. That's fucking stupid and I don't understand the point.
Hey I'll take a gmail invite, I could use that to keep my p0rn mobile and searchable.

I have:
ISP email (sorta sucks, don't know why I even bother)
Lycos (use this for everything that will get me spam)
Royal Carnage

a hotmail which I originally got for usage with windows messenger,
my email I got from my ISP, and
my gmail account which I don't use at all.

I only check the telus one though, the msn one occasionally because I do use it for some things.
Erik said:
:lol: is it just me or is this funny "OH SHIT I HAVE SO MANY E-MAILS IT'S RIDICULOUS I MEAN WHY DO I... oh free email accounts? I'll take one please n___n" Anyhoo, invite sent to your RC address. :p
I laughed when I posted, so yeah it's funny. :loco: Thanks!
i have a few, 3 i think. 2 hotmail and a yahoo. i get spam in every one, noone else loves me. only iPod, free laptops and ci@li$ type crap want my attention.

1 Yahoo (for personal stuff)
1 Hotmail (for shit I sign up on the web with, which is full of Spam)
1 Gmail (which Erik gave me, but have yet to use)
2 Business Ones ... well for my business