How Many Have Actually Been to the Town of Ypres?


New Metal Member
Jan 16, 2007
Sorry if this is a duplicate thread.

Local Flemish inhabitants call it Ieper.

I went there when I went on a battlefields tour of Western Europe. Fucking BEAUTIFUL city, went there during march break, so we had some snow.

I'll never forget stepping out of the restaurant I was in to see the town carnival set up with all the neon lights shining in the night, and one of those perfect "white Christmas" moments where the snow is falling slowly by the Cloth Hall. It was jizzmation worthy.

If any of you even get the chance to go there, I fully recommend you do. There's a good English expatriate pub there, and an amazing chocolatier in the town square.
Europe at Christmas is ABSOLUTELY beautiful. I spent Christmas in Prague and it was incredible. Ypres sounds great too. I wish I didnt live in America. No originality, no culture. Im moving up north to Canada when I get older! I think the band is named after a Park near Davids school though.
id love sweden, my grandparents used to live there and id visit them all the time but canada is closer, i guess massachusetts(my home now) or new hampshire are the best until then. i love the cold, hate the heat. too bad mass isnt getting any DAMN SNOW!
id love sweden, my grandparents used to live there and id visit them all the time but canada is closer, i guess massachusetts(my home now) or new hampshire are the best until then. i love the cold, hate the heat. too bad mass isnt getting any DAMN SNOW!

Beer and smokes are way too expensive in Sweden! Move to Denmark....:kickass:
Metalocalypse reference: "Pffft. The Dutch."

I'm planning on studying abroad soon, probably will hit up Oxford because I'm interested in continuing my Anglo-Saxon studies. What a great language.
Kiiiiiiiiiiiind of considering a trip to Europe in June/July if I have any savings left by that point. I'd mostly be in Venice (cause of free accommodation, can't turn that down!) but I'd want to visit friends in Paris and Strasbourg, so Belgium would be a short ride away, and Ypres would be on the cards for sure.

I'd probably spend half my time in Belgium completely legless from visiting breweries every day. ;)
Belgium is the best. I went to this Brussels restaurant and got an amazing croque-madame (yes, the food we've never had but is always in those French textbooks). Croque-madames > Croque-monsieurs, they put an egg on top. :D

I didn't like Paris that much, you've seen all the sights already and it's kind of boring. I guess it'd be better as a honeymoon spot. Don't go to the Louvre, your legs will be tired and you'll be disappointed by the lack of interesting art pieces there. If you really want to see art, go to Versailles. What amazing collections.
I didn't like Paris that much, you've seen all the sights already and it's kind of boring. I guess it'd be better as a honeymoon spot. Don't go to the Louvre, your legs will be tired and you'll be disappointed by the lack of interesting art pieces there. If you really want to see art, go to Versailles. What amazing collections.

I really enjoyed almost everything I did in Paris actually, although apart from visiting friends I don't have a big urge to go back there. I honestly don't remember much from the Louvre, I think I was feeling ill that day. Trying to have a look at the Mona Lisa was a joke, I don't understand why people need to crowd around and take a photo of a tiny painting? The two finest museums/galleries I've been to are easily the British Museum in London and the Metropolitan in NYC, though.

But what I DO like about Paris is that it definitely has character. It's like one of those cities you can just enjoy walking around and taking it all in, kind of like Venice or central Tokyo or whatever. My favourite part was probably Montmatre, further up the hill. However, someone who has spent a lot of time in Paris may think otherwise of how great it is, I guess. :p

Versailles was amazing, apart from the weather being too hot when I went, heh. Had to queue up for ages to buy a ticket, but it was worth it. It's difficult to describe how huge those gardens are. :ill:
im planning to go there on vacation summer 2008 to check it out and then probably do a couple years university there (cuz its free:kickass: )

Nice as! I know I'm definately going to do at least a semester of my degree elsewhere, just have no idea where! If I like Sweden that much maybe I'll go back there!
zakk... do you speak swedish? on a side note, bavaria (in germany) is awesome, sadly they have too many laws about video game violence.
I haven't been to Europe yet, but someday...I hope the reason for the first time I eventually go there is for WoY to play some shows! That has always been the ideal and most satisfying plan, for me. + And we would definately have to visit Ypres. :kickass:
my history teacher organized a school "field trip" to the 80th anniversary of vimy ridge, we're going to paris, and continuing on through the ww1 and 2 battlefields, ultimately taking part in the ceremony at vimy, we'll be heading through ypres. should be very interesting. Canada did a LOT in the world wars, its a shame very little of the youth today understand the significance. but yeah, hooray for the rhhs history dept.