How many languages can you speak/understand?


Helping The World To See
Jan 3, 2002
Phoenix, Arizona U.S.A.
I can speak English of course, Spanish (when around people that speak spanish) and thats about it, I wish the school system here made it mandatory to learn other langauges like the kids in Europe.

So talking to the Opeth drummer and bass player is possible for me. Since Spanish and Portugese are similar.
I can speak somewhat passable Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and German. Not fluent but I can make my way around in places where those languages are spoken.
I should brush up on my Greek for next summer since I'm going to the opening ceremony for the Olympics there...

Mmm thats a good idea, me speaking 4 languages fluently= \m/
Pantera owns, and that even includes my favorite pair of sucks. Ok, languages! I speak Danish, ok Swedish, great English plus I can a little bit of Italian since a close friend is from there (yeah due to respect I won't give ya any examples of those Italian words heh).
The americanized version (and Canadian, too I guess) of English is the only evolving language in the world. So, it really counts for TWO in my book.

I can listen to someone speaking spanish, and get a good idea of what they are talking about. That's it! But, I can know more cuss words in Spanish than I do in English.
This board is full of Latino's haha but nah I mean it in a good way, fucken' everybody mistakes me for being one. hey im too macho for sweden so i guess that's it. fuck im so hungtover i wanna go to bed, see you guys.
I understand spoken Madarin, fluent in English and German, and studying Swedish on my own. I took a Japanese class, but it doesn't count.

I also know C++, PHP, and Java. :)