
Do tell if you need any help with that. :)
Thanks man.

Hmm is it something with you being dutch that makes you understand danish better then norwegian? Because I don't think I ever met a swede that isn't the other way around.
I get what you mean, i more meant that in written form Danish is easier to relate to than in spoken form, I should have added that.
And my grandma's from Denmark btw, farmor that is :).
Interested in the which way the majority of people here have become proficient in a foreign Language.

Lessons from a Native speaker?
School Language course?
Self Taught/Instructional Book or CD?

I am teaching myself from an Instructional Book with an Audio CD. I also have a Vocabulary book.
Interested in how the majority of people here have become proficient in a foreign Language.

Lessons from a Native speaker?
School Language course?
Self Taught/Instructional Book or CD?

I am teaching myself from an Instructional Book with an Audio CD. I also have a Vocabulary book.

Book/CD mainly with some help from online forums/lessons... I speak english of course and spanish (though not 100% because i didn't learn it properly when i was growing up. I'm costa rican descent.)

As for other languages I dabble in: French, Italian, Russian, Tagalog, Mandarin, Japanese etc. I really recommend the Living Language courses (can be bought cheaply on Ebay or used.):

I also highly recommend this book if you wish to learn languages in general:

The Linguist by Steve Kaufmann [ame][/ame]

I also recommend this site:

Sites for Russian: (has excellent forum even for other languages)

Book for Russian:

The New Penguin Russian Course (A complete Course for Beginners) by Nicholas J. Brown

If you want to join language clubs (as well as other clubs for other interests)in your area I highly recommend this site:

We'll hope this helps ya peeps... btw I am always looking for other peeps to learn from or talk to about languages so you can PM me if ya like...
Interested in how the majority of people here have become proficient in a foreign Language.

Lessons from a Native speaker?
School Language course?
Self Taught/Instructional Book or CD?

I am teaching myself from an Instructional Book with an Audio CD. I also have a Vocabulary book.

I am, quite literally, SURROUNDED by Mexicans. I have spent many drunken nights bugging my hispanic friends (most of them) to teach me shit. Surprised I've retained as much as I have.
English and Spanish

but I know a few words and phrases in Swedish, Finnish, Greek, Armenian, Turkish and French.

not that those really count or anything
Interested in the which way the majority of people here have become proficient in a foreign Language.

Lessons from a Native speaker?
School Language course?
Self Taught/Instructional Book or CD?

I am teaching myself from an Instructional Book with an Audio CD. I also have a Vocabulary book.
He returns!

or maybe I'm just a tad late in noticing. :erk: