Boggles The Mind


Grey Eminence
Sep 30, 2005
Edinburgh, U.K.
Never ceases to amaze me how you fine folks can speak two languages and yet us lazy whores who speak english rarely bother to learn anything but our own shitty language.

I can speak Latin...but who the fuck speaks that.
I find it easier to express myself in english than in finnish, except when I can't remember a word and thus the whole sentence loses it's meaning when I don't have that one word. Guess I should try to keep up with the vocabulary more. Also nowadays I think my pronunciation is going downhill, although the last time I spoke to an american, like 5 months back, she said my pronunciation is still better than finnish people in general.

And, it's not only that we study/know/learn english and finnish, we also have to study swedish. =P
well... I can tell you im not like most. I'm in Espaňol uno, bought an Italian 1 self-teach course, and my friend Aaron is teaching me french. so I take an offence to your general alligation. Next time, insult specific people
Oh and your comment about Latin, if it weren't for latin 3 of the 4 languages I'm leaning would be non-existant. FYI Spanish, French, Italian, and Portugese are all based on Latin.
Pyrolizzard said:
well... I can tell you im not like most. I'm in Espaňol uno, bought an Italian 1 self-teach course, and my friend Aaron is teaching me french. so I take an offence to your general alligation. Next time, insult specific people

So fuck? i speak English, Learning Swedish and Gaelic... And he's 100% justified in his statement. So why don't you shut the fuck up.

And i don't browse the finnish board... I came here via a link on MSN.