how many of you actually like what you do?

um, i like my's boring and all, but the people are really cool, hours are flexible, i have the freedom to surf around all stress...90% of people probably are a lot less happy than me with their jobs.

i don't really subscribe to the love-your-job crap. if i loved it so much, i'd do it for free! if i was getting paid to do something i loved, i think i would start to hate it.
I swing back and forth. For awhile, every day here was misery since I had no fucking clue what my bosses wanted me to do or expected from me, but now I'm settling into my 'new' position and things are looking brighter. I'm not into the stress of having to do too many things at once and I could use a raise, but otherwise it ain't so bad. Really the big thing is the raise- after 2 years and numerous changes in my job description and responsibilities should entitle me to something. damn dot-com nmghnsdgn,sdf
i like my job for the most part. it definitely gets depressing, but that doesnt make me dislike it, it just makes me stupid for letting it get to me. i mean, i work with dying people, what do i expect? overall, i get an assload of vacation time, unlimited sick time, good pay, awesome insurance, free dental insurance, and no one really watches what i do, plus the boss i *do* have thinks i am the greatest thing in the world and is always nice to me and buys me presents. so yea, my job is pretty dece as far as jobs go.
i forgot to also mention that my clients are generally totally awesome and really interesting. every day i meet people who are like, actors, doctors, panhandlers, lawyers, painters, and crackheads.
I hate my job with a passion. Sick time is practically unallowable. A person can't call in sick without fear of losing their job. One of my co-workers came in crying one day because her grandfather was dying and she wanted a week off to go up to Michigan and visit him. The manager's response was a simple, "If you go see your grandpa, you won't have a job when you get back. Should I get your paperwork ready?" and she walked off. I work at a hotel and the people I'm forced to deal with on a daily basis display the full spectrum of human stupidity...I didn't know people that stupid existed in real life. Ladies come up and ask where the courtesy phone is to dial a room, I point to it, and they stand there for 2 minutes until they come back to me and say "Do I pick it up?" Thank god this is simply my part time job so I can afford to buy millions of hats. I just need to fucking ifnish college so I can be through with this bullshit.
Originally posted by BioMechanoid75
I hate my job with a passion. Sick time is practically unallowable. A person can't call in sick without fear of losing their job. One of my co-workers came in crying one day because her grandfather was dying and she wanted a week off to go up to Michigan and visit him. The manager's response was a simple, "If you go see your grandpa, you won't have a job when you get back. Should I get your paperwork ready?" and she walked off. I work at a hotel and the people I'm forced to deal with on a daily basis display the full spectrum of human stupidity...I didn't know people that stupid existed in real life. Ladies come up and ask where the courtesy phone is to dial a room, I point to it, and they stand there for 2 minutes until they come back to me and say "Do I pick it up?" Thank god this is simply my part time job so I can afford to buy millions of hats. I just need to fucking ifnish college so I can be through with this bullshit.

i have such an immense problem with authority (thanks to my dad who has never worked for anyone else and who sucessfully was kicked out of high school forever for knocking out his principal's teeth) there is NO way i would ever be at a job like that. i'd last like, maybe 30 seconds. i'd rather starve and walk the streets selling pencils or sex than put up with that sort of bullshit. i've starved before on the basis of my ridiculous pride and i wouldnt hesitate to do it again.
I still don't like my job. I've had one day off in the last month. I'm too tired to do anything after work. I put in 60 to 70 hours a week. Lots o' stress. My neck hurts, my back hurts, my eye has been twitching for the last month like crazy and it's starting to annoy the hell out of me and I'm salaried, and IMO it's too low of a salary. But I get 16 days off over x-mas. I can't wait for that.
3 days at new job. So far, it's a high stress place with lots of geeks. Which equals bad, me no likey.

As far as what I actually DO at the job (programming/analyst work), it's interesting; challenging enough to keep me interested and not mind-numbingly boring like other things I could be doing. Lots of Star Wars geeks there, though. One guy actually has a light saber on top of his cube, and another guy has a giant Darth Maul poster. Not that that's bad or anything; just.. typical.
i like my job because i never have anything to do and pretty much get paid to post on this forum. like right now for example. I haven't done anything for the past 45 minutes
I'm at college full time.. I hate class.. but if I want to get a decent job I suppose I need my diploma... I certainly dont want to be stuck doing something i hate..