How many of you are self-taught bassists?

Just self taught on everything, but never got too deep into anything. Maybe guitars more, but still I'm not as good as I pretend.

Get the fuck outta' here, you rule on guitar man! Atleast rhythm guitars, haven't heard much else on guitar from you... or maybe I just haven't checked you out deep enough (that sounds gay but fuck it!).

As for me? I honestly don't know what the hell I am... I always say I'm primarily a drummer and certainly not a guitarist but I guess I'm more like 50/50 drummer/guitarist at this stage of my life. As for bass though, I sort of can play it but never as cool as a real bassist. I usually just follow the rhythm guitars and try to spice it up without fucking up too much... but it's really hard to get a good sound out of the bass, gotta keep pushing with enough power and so on :|
Started on bass, got offered a cheap bass to learn on before i could get a guitar, never looked back...
had a few beginner lessons "that fret is G, that one A", from then the lessons stopped and i started learning covers to improve my game...
Went to college but that was more about reading music...
Now play bass with both Pick and Fingers, depending on the style

started taking an interest in guitars a few years later, playing bits and pieces, trying to write, checking tones, maintenance and such like...

still a bassist at heart though...
bass first then guitar, all by myself and lot´s of nights after work...
no musical education, but great ear for learning.
i tried the keys but ain´t it hasn´t drawn me yet