How metal affects one's outlook on life

Hair metal makes me enjoy life, and party. And to not take everything so seriously, or get mad easy. :)
Remember KIX? You could be part of their "cool kids"
The "cool kids" are all about workin the night shift, gettin off and slammin a few brewski's in the parking lot with Hagar blasting, jumping in their 79'Camaro headin' to the arcade.
Metal has changed my life period...Metal changed the way I look at life and Culture!

But whatever, I think it most people here would be crushed if the genre of Metal would cease to exist
Metal has kindled my interest in world cultures, particularly black metal and its homage to cultural heritage and ethnic background.

i think its had that impact on me as well. i mean, ive always been interested in my heritage. but now i have 2 reasons to be proud of my norwegian family.
I feel you man. Metal has helped me mature in so many ways.

I think I have become more aware and interested when it comes to culture.

...and aside from all the satanic crap, I think metal is very positive when it comes to the individual. It's less about the collective and focus's on its own identity.

Believe it or not Metal has made me so open minded, especially towards other music and its counterparts.
Yup, same here. If not to count always drunk metalheads who care nothing about exept beer - usually metal community is pretty intelligent, imo. And yeah, metal definitely makes your world view wider.

PS: woman*
It hasn't changed me as a person but it has changed my outlook on other music as a whole and, especially, others taste in music. I was already a slightly cynical person so getting into more underground music is a natural fit for me I guess.

I also like how the community (places like this) is generally really intelligent and appreciates the music for what it is. I am not saying other genres are not like this but I generally do not like stupid things or stupid people so this has helped sustain my interest in the genre.

Because I feel that I have to spend most of my time defending the genre. With all the morons I deal with on a daily basis, the scene-fucks who think they're metalheads, and the pseudo-metalheads and whatnot. I keep having to correct people for calling a certain band metal because I want some people to actually have an idea of what it is. They think that anything heavy is metal.

So yeah. I tend to be a dickhead when I explain things. Like when one kid found out I was a metalhead, he asked me, "do you like wecamewithbrokenteeth?" I said "Hahahahah. No! That", in which he asked why. So then I said "because they're a shitty scene band".

He seemed to have meant well, but at least he knows (or probably got the idea) that they're not metal.
Because I feel that I have to spend most of my time defending the genre. With all the morons I deal with on a daily basis, the scene-fucks who think they're metalheads, and the pseudo-metalheads and whatnot. I keep having to correct people for calling a certain band metal because I want some people to actually have an idea of what it is. They think that anything heavy is metal.

So yeah. I tend to be a dickhead when I explain things. Like when one kid found out I was a metalhead, he asked me, "do you like wecamewithbrokenteeth?" I said "Hahahahah. No! That", in which he asked why. So then I said "because they're a shitty scene band".

He seemed to have meant well, but at least he knows (or probably got the idea) that they're not metal.

why does it piss you off so much what other people consider metal? Not everyone makes music a big part of their life. Most people listen to what is "catchy" and "cool." I know a lot of people that like metalcore/nu metal bands and they consider themselves metalheads but i don't really give a shit if they want to call themself a metalhead, or think what they listen to is TRU metal.

you have to understand that most people don't give a shit about the genre enough to look for better bands.
If it was to affect me, it would definitely be in a negative way. Good thing I'm not an idiot and already have my set of values and beliefs.