how metal fans choose what bands they like (a link)

Would make more sense if you replaced 'nerd' with 'poser', as much as I hate that fucking word.
It's obviously written by some mainstream metal-fan who's angry, because more serious metal-fans don't share his Korn-fondness. But yes, his research is right when considering most 15-18-year olds.
I read the first paragraph and thought it was stupid. I never get shit when I say that Pantera fucking sucks, and I don't think anyone who hated Pantera when they were around sucking would come kick my ass now.
Applicable to some people, but his findings could be more succintly stated with "Hipsters are everywhere." Nothing remotely novel in this quasi-truth. And his graph doesn't even make much sense to me. Why is time shown as a variable in the second graph when it is titled to be a snapshot of 2001?

EDIT: Oh, I think the x-axis represents time since formation, or something along those lines (since that isn't accurate with the bands provided either). They probably define it in the article and I keep glossing over it because it's not an amusing article.

I'd like to see articles about how shitty people thought Suffocation was in 1995, as well. Not saying they're necessarily wrong (I certainly didn't have a clue about them or death metal as a whole then) but from various newsgroups and such I've still never heard that.
I never did get why everyone likes Pantera. They're okay. But even that seems to be blasphemy to all them LA 'metalheads'.
Didn't read, but how can there be a "way" that metal fans choose bands they like, outside of hearing and evaluating? I can see some methodology to what bands a person might expose themselves to, but from there isn't it just what you like? What moves you?
Didn't read, but how can there be a "way" that metal fans choose bands they like, outside of hearing and evaluating? I can see some methodology to what bands a person might expose themselves to, but from there isn't it just what you like? What moves you?

I think it was the same old theory, that hardcore metal fans "listen" only to bands that are true, and hate everything that's mainstream regardless of the music.
That post was written by some douchebag who writes for Metal Inquisition. He and his co-bloggers spend inordinate amounts of time taking "clever" cheap shots at metalheads and famous metal musicians. Basically this guy contributes nothing and clearly doesn't know what he's talking about.
I think certain types of metal choose us rather that us choosing metal; it's deep down within us before we even realize it. I remember the first time I heard Puppets and Justice; I was hooked and it was like I'd found something I'd been looking for since birth. Those albums are the main reasons why I picked up the guitar (at about 15) and I knew what I wanted to do with my life. For me, there was just something about that meaty, heavy tone. I also think most of us like the fact that metal in general doesn't follow the mainstream pop-glam-or-whatever crap that's created for the sole purpose of catering to the majority to make record sales. It's like we're in our own undergound world. Pretty cool, eh?
I think certain types of metal choose us rather that us choosing metal; it's deep down within us before we even realize it. I remember the first time I heard Puppets and Justice; I was hooked and it was like I'd found something I'd been looking for since birth. Those albums are the main reasons why I picked up the guitar (at about 15) and I knew what I wanted to do with my life. For me, there was just something about that meaty, heavy tone. I also think most of us like the fact that metal in general doesn't follow the mainstream pop-glam-or-whatever crap that's created for the sole purpose of catering to the majority to make record sales. It's like we're in our own undergound world. Pretty cool, eh?

I think the things you reference are pretty shallow. I think what you say about the heavy tone may have applied to many metalheads when they first heard and were attracted to metal, but there are many bands with attractive tone that don't make good music. Undergound world? I doubt that is a major issue for most metalheads that are true fans of metal. After 31 years I still love all kinds of metal, but am married and have a good job and a 17 year old son. The underground world has nothing to do with my continued attraction to metal.
I don't know, I thought that was a pretty good post in that it is hard to "choose" metal, you can't just take the average person on the street and make him like metal even if he wants to like. If he doesn't naturally like it it just isn't happening
AchrisK, respectfully, I was half-way joking about the 'underground world' we live in; I was simply referring to some sort of non-mainstream common ground we all share. I'm in the same boat you're in (married, kids, corporate job...did you get the memo?). Perhaps that was taken the wrong way, or too seriously. And indeed, there are crappy bands with good tones and vice versa. I was just stating some of the things that pulled me in, that's all.

Kreated, thank you...that's how I feel man; I was just drawn to it and discovered something way deeper than I ever imagined. And at 36 years old I'm into metal now more than I ever have been.