How much does the guitar tone effect how you feel?


Anders pre-2003
May 18, 2008
It seems like it plays a major role to me.
I always liked Colony and Clayman's guitar tones because they're straight up great heavy metal tones.

I fucking cannot stand STYE's guitar tone. It sounds like someone recorded it with an anus with really shitty guitar settings.

Come Clarity is ok.

The Jester Race sounds awesome too, I like the lead guitar tone with all the reverb and how soft it is.
The guitar tone as well as all other instrumental tones, production, and mixing adds up to the general musical atmosphere. This can make or break albums. Some, like Emperor's Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk, have a sound I can't get into. Others, like In The Nightside Eclipse, could consist of someone shitting because the production is so perfect as to render it automatically awesome.
Jester Race has a great, very epic feel on the production. Lunar Strain and Subterranean have rawer productions and feel a little black metal. A very dark feel. Clayman, by contrast, is extremely upbeat and happy sounding, which is awesome. I love the production dynamics on Come Clarity and A Sense Of Purpose - regardless of the music its a good production job. Colony sounds good but a little slicker than I might have liked. Whoracle sounds like they were going for the production on Colony but didn't have the resources (time and money) and couldn't quite get it (I know this isn't actually true as both were done in the same studio with the same producer iirc). A little rawer and heavier, but generally the same sound. STYE and R2R just sound like shit to me.
The guitar tone on The Jester Race was stunning. Take Moonshield, the rather deep, epic guitar tone perfectly complements the message of the song and elevates it to a level that most bands can only dream of achieving. :worship:
A Sense Of Purpose started a new era on guitar sounds, even though I mostly agree with your opinions on previous albums. It's harsh but smooth - heavy but clearly understandable - and it gives the feeling that it's raw enough to be used for Heavy Metal and mixed enough for New Age music too! As a listener who's into In Flames for more than 10 years, I think having their own studio and recording environment improved their quality a great deal. Even some songs in last album doesn't satisfy me materialwise, when I listen to it I come to a satisfying point about the mixing and mastering of the album. I suggest everyone to listen The Mirror's Truth\Sober And Irrelevant with headphones and some volume up.

Mono out.
Indeed. The sound on that album is undeniably fantastic, and it should be pointed out that sounding good isn't a direct result of having money - see Death Magnetic for proof.
Guitar tone is what 90% of the time makes me dislike anything about in flames. Anything other than Clayman ain't good.
This plus the recording quality is what always kills in flames. I fucking hate it.
just so you know, that was retarded.

And when you respond "but it's my opinion," yes, it is your opinion. Your opinion is retarded. And frankly, that doesn't speak well for you as a person.
Guitar tone is what 90% of the time makes me dislike anything about in flames. Anything other than Clayman ain't good.
This plus the recording quality is what always kills in flames. I fucking hate it.
You have got to be kidding me.
Dude A Sense Of Purpose sucks it's just really lame sounding production to me for what In Flames has been giving us for so long.
The guitars are too soft and the drums just some wimpy.
Guitar tone is what 90% of the time makes me dislike anything about in flames. Anything other than Clayman ain't good.
This plus the recording quality is what always kills in flames. I fucking hate it.

I agree...Clayman has the best production. I can't see how anyone thinks Jester Race is recorded well or has any great tones? It's a muddy mess...seriously in need of a remastering to bring out an otherwise great album.
Dude A Sense Of Purpose sucks it's just really lame sounding production to me for what In Flames has been giving us for so long.
The guitars are too soft and the drums just some wimpy.
Say what you want about the music, but you are completely fucking wrong about the production, it's fucking brilliant. The guitars are not too soft, the intent is not for them to be hard. The drums are not wimpy, either; you're just fucking delusional about that.

I can't see how anyone thinks Jester Race is recorded well or has any great tones? It's a muddy mess...seriously in need of a remastering to bring out an otherwise great album.

The lead tone is great. The other tones are very mellow and may be indistinct but good music isn't always about being able to hear every note clearly, it's about creating a pleasant series of soundwaves and sometimes that is best achieved with a muddy guitar sound.

Now then, TJR was recorded around the same time and in the same studio with the same producer and many of the same other people as the Gallery, which has an amazingly clear sound. So obviously it was a conscious choice to have that mellow, dirty tone. So why don't you stop second guessing the artist and go listen to your cleanly produced major label crap?
Fuck off, I know what I'm talking about.
ASOP is a horrible album because it is a boner killer of all expectations risen.
We get Come Clarity and we thought they were going to stop making crappy albums, but no, we get this soft pussy album ASOP.

I was shitting my pants yesterday about how great the Come Clarity production was compaired to the previous 2 of that album.

ASOP's EQ is horrible, it took all the heavy harshness out of the music, I'd go in depth but some of it is an unfathomable shittiness that is not explainable. ASOP is hands down the least brutal album by In Flames.
You fuck, how can you say I'm wrong when I was shitting my pants excited hearing the tracks off this album for the first time? You know what that excitement was? It was nothing more than me fooling myself because I was bored of all their other songs. It's like the Angry Nintendo Nerd reviewing a game, you accept it first and then you realize it's fucking shit.

Tired of the ASOP fanboy shit.
ASOP's EQ is horrible, it took all the heavy harshness out of the music, I'd go in depth but some of it is an unfathomable shittiness that is not explainable. ASOP is hands down the least brutal album by In Flames.
You fuck, how can you say I'm wrong when I was shitting my pants excited hearing the tracks off this album for the first time? You know what that excitement was? It was nothing more than me fooling myself because I was bored of all their other songs. It's like the Angry Nintendo Nerd reviewing a game, you accept it first and then you realize it's fucking shit.

Tired of the ASOP fanboy shit.

You don't fucking get it. Of course it's their least brutal album. It's their least heavy material, of course they went for a less heavy sound. Just so we're clear more brutal =/= better and blastbeats are not good drumming. The production suits the material very well; it's soft when it should be soft, heavy when it should be heavy, and generally sounds great. If you want to be a faggot about refusing to listen to anything but TEH BROOTALS go ahead but you can fuck right off about the production on that album.
Yes the production fits the format of a more softer vibe and a less intense feeling. It fits the poppyness of the album.

The thing is I don't want a poppy In Flames album. You all bitch about Reroute-Come Clarity being poppy but this is like wow.

I don't want TEH BROOTALS all the time, but when I listen to IN FUCKING FLAMES I expect them to be metal not pop metal.

I used to love what I was hearing but now that I have actually observed the album to all I can I fucking hate it.

Like with Come Clarity and Reroute, I used to hate them too but then I realized at least it isn't a piece of shit like STYE or ASOP, and they potentionally sound like what In Flames needs to be in parts and pieces in the songs. It's an experimental omlette where they threw some old sounds with some new stuff in it and it tastes good.
I don't consider STYE and R2R poppy tbh. And I fucking love Come Clarity, so it doesn't matter, but it's not all that poppy. I think structurally ASOP isn't particularly poppy, but has a lot of hooks and stuff. And they use predominantly cleanish singing.
Regardless, you've been being stupid; you've been assaulting the quality of the production when your problem was not the production (which suited the music perfectly) but the music itself (which isn't part of the production).
Like I said, I really like the last 2 but people are free to hate them since there's nothing I can do short of sticking my fingers in my ears and shouting LALALALALLALALALAL and then posting *facepalm* a lot and calling people faggots.
Well here's a one word summery of how the album feels for me: bland

All I have to say that is unfathomable for me to understand why someone would like this.
He has a point though, Clay-Man. This isn't a discussion about the quality of the music, but the quality of the production.

Regarding ASOP's production, it's really well done. The drums sound fantastic and the guitar tone is subtle but effective. As usual the bass is pretty much drowned out of the mix, but that's something that I've come to expect from In Flames albums after all these years.
what annoys me about iwers bass in the band is he doesnt use clean tone. when they play live he uses clean tone and it sounds so much better and ist actually audible
Clay-Man ... you're wrong and fairly illiterate... but more worrying... why do you keep talking about excrement?