How much snow do you have in Atlanta?


Mar 26, 2009
Frederick, md
First off, my heart goes out to you Sal, on your loss;
I was sick all last week, and couldn't get on

Second, think its rough in nj?

how much snow you got in Atlanta?
TWC's Big Al's on an hour early just for you, atlanta!

not sixty degrees, today?

Yea, I am no Patriots fan but, I do believe they have the best team this year.
Maybe Green bay or Atlanta could give them a run.
Being my Brother in law is a dye hard Packers fan, I would love to see the Jets & Packers in the super bowl ( and his wife is a Jet fan):lol::lol:
Sorry Bob, my Falcons are going to beat the least, I hope so:D

I"m still stuck at home due to the ice. We still can not get out of our subdivision. There must be at least a solid 1/2 inch of ice on our road.

I don't know how you guys up North can deal with these weather conditions as much as you have to.:wave:
you're? gonna beat the Packers;
and can't deal with a little ice and snow

best be glad you're not playing in green Bay
they'ld have to call off the game cause Atlanta Int'l is still closed:devil: