How often are your bowel movments?

Feb 8, 2008
Ft Worth, TX
I just wanted to start a thread where everyone can feel free to leave as little, or as much detail as they want about how good their pooing has been. It's probably not the most mature discussion here, but I think it's a very overlooked subject to talk about.

Lately, I'm been having about one poo every day or two. They constantly vary in size/color/smell/etc. which I take to be a good sign I suppose. Whenever I've pooed a really big one, I tend to feel a sense of accomplishment, which brightens my day.

Depends how much I eat - 1500-2000 calories every 2-3 days. 2500-3000 - at least once every day. 4000+ 2-3 times every day.
Do you think mine is okay?
If I don't move my bowels AT LEAST once I day I begin to suspect something is very wrong.

Consider this...if you spend ten minutes a day shitting, 365 days a year, that's 3650 minutes a year on the john. Which is 60 hours, more than an average work week, two and a half full days.

If you live to be 70, that's 177 days - about 6 months of your life. Pooping.
Only need to fire one out every 2 days on average. I eat a hell of a lot, and I have the most spastic-crazy-overdrive metabolism known to man, but that's all I get.

Oh, and I make sure I time them on work hours; time spent on the bog at work is time well spent.
morning poop, then sometimes the 2nd morning poop and sometimes the after-lunch poop. When I eat too much I can do SEVERAL poops - a couple of days ago I ate too much and woke up with the stomach feeling weird (no diarrhea). Ended up crapping 7 times accross the day.

Btw, I hate to poop, i hate cleaning myself..Worse: I hate cleaning my self and then wanting to crap again.