How often does DT appear in your dreams?

rahvin said:
also, am i expected to come up with new funny posts every once in a while so your signature doesn't become outdated? i don't work well under pressure. :p

Oh come on man what's a little pressure gonna do? Besides, your humor is coming with every one of your posts so....Also, who says only you have to give the others signature updates? I can be funny too. Twelve bucks I can be funnier than that guy with the potatoes....Oh right, he's dead...
Rampage: :Smug: No offense, but Master Rahvin is funnier. ;)

Edit: Screw you, man! ;) Nah, once i dreamt something about being with a whole lot of forum members. But there wasn't anything interesting going on (at least noting i can recall), so Rincewind and Plintus probably weren't there. ;)
Oh bollocks. That's only because I never posted while I was drunk. Or because I just don't have what it takes...Oh great, now you made me sad. :waah:
^Oh sorry. I guess alcohol is also an issue for forum members else than me. I mean the lack of it. Anyways, I'd like to say that if you've seen any implication in my message, know that it was totally intended. ;)
rahvin said:
that's a cool line. sad, too, or maybe it's just me.

also, am i expected to come up with new funny posts every once in a while so your signature doesn't become outdated? i don't work well under pressure. :p

Well, I wont mind a little update, but I like the one with your mother and the swedish ice-hockey team a LOT, so, you know what that means. :)
i had dt in my dreams lots of times but one of the longest and wierdest dreams i had (with dr in it) went like this: My brother and I were somewhere in greece and it was summer, we were playing classic guitar duets in some shitty resturant filled with tourists and we were wearing tuxedos and it all sucked very much. So after a while we got pretty bored and durnk and we both got our electric guitars from somewhere and started playing the intro to Tidal Tantrum or something. Then suddenly there they were, all of them right in front of us, we were playing their song and they were jumping and screaming and drinking. It was very cool and i don't rememer anything else from that dream but i remember beeing very disappointed when i woke up beocuse i'm affraid that i will never have the chance to actually meet them.