How to commit suicide...


Holy shit.
Aug 27, 2002
Visit site slitting your wrists:

- Arteries take blood away from the heart, pumping it round your body. Arteries have a pulse. Veins carry blood back to the heart. Veins do not have a pulse. The blood pressure in the arteries is higher than in the veins. So if you slit an artery the blood flow will be higher and it's more effective. Slitting length-wise is more effective than perpendicular.

- Everywhere you can feel a pulse, there lies an artery near under the skin.

- The radial arteries on the wrists lie parallel to the long bones at the sides of the thumbs.

- One of the self-healing features of the human body is the clotting of the blood when an injury occures.
To deal with this:
A. Take blood thinners (4 to 8 Aspirin)
B. Put the wound underwater. Lying in a bath tub full of water works.


1. Take the Aspirin
2. Wait one hour
3. Get an unused, sharp razor
4. Lie down in the bath tub
5. Fill it with water
6. Slit your radial arteries LENGTH-WISE

P.S. You can try drinking alcohol before doing it, since the pain will be lower.
Slitting more than one artery increases certainty.

:lol: maybe we can get Slipknot really drunk and high and tell them that by doing that, everyone will buy their music.... then we all shall live in peace and harmony while Slipknot slits their wrists in a warm bathtub :D :lol:
I've got a better plan. They wear most people don't know what they really look like. So we kidnap them, kill everyone but the drummer. Erase the drummers memory and release him into some death metal band. Then we take the masks, pretend to be them, and release another cd, but instead of nu-metal, we do technical death, like Morbid Angel or Nile. I don't care if metalheads like them, but that way nu-metalidiots who think slipknot makes them a metalhead start hating them and go back to their linkin park. Then we stop with the masks and noone knows the difference.
No, you have to have a "friend" to post after your "death". Then have your "sister" come and say the "friend" was wrong.

Whoa, way too many "s