How to commit suicide...

It's amazing how many e-mails I received from people who want to off themselves but are just terrified at the sight of blood.
So here's an alternative... This one's for the ladies:

Hanging - Breaking your neck

Hanging is one of the oldest forms of suicide. Prior to the hanging, you must weigh yourself. The drop must be based on your weight, to deliver the right force to your neck. Here is a modern drop distance table used for execution in the U.S nowadays.

The left column is your weight in pounds and the right column is the drop height in ft.

120 or less ---- 8ft 1in
130 ---- 7ft 1in
140 ---- 7ft 1in
150 ---- 6ft 7in
160 ---- 6ft 4in
170 ---- 6ft
180 ---- 5ft 9in
190 ---- 5ft 6in
200 ---- 5ft 4in
210 ---- 5ft 1in
220 and over ---- 5ft

Here, the left column is your weight in kg and the right column is the drop height in m.

54.5 or less ---- 2.47m
59.0 ---- 2.31m
63.6 ---- 2.16m
68.1 ---- 2.01m
72.6 ---- 1.93m
77.2 ---- 1.83m
81.7 ---- 1.75m
86.3 ---- 1.68m
90.8 ---- 1.63m
95.3 ---- 1.55m
99.9 and over ---- 1.53m

- Don't use a mountain climbing rope, since it's designed to stretch in case of a fall. Use a three quarter (3/4) inch = (19mm), Manilla hemp rope.

- The noose is placed around the neck, behind the left ear, which will cause the neck to snap. If properly done, death is caused by dislocation of the third and fourth cervical vertebrae, or by asphyxiation. (aim for dislocation of the vertebrae, since asphyxiation will take longer and will be more painful)


1. buy a strong rope

2. buy a ladder

3. search for a big tree at a lonely place

4. wait till 3 o'clock at night, so that you won't be disturbed

5. knot the rope using the Hangman's knot. Go here to learn how to do this:

6. climb up the tree and make sure you find a branch that can hold your weight. Also make sure you're high enough for your neck to break when you drop.

7. Kick down the ladder, lay the rope around your neck and drop down.

Alright, this one's for Battle Angel:


- Hypothermia (hypo=low thermia=temperature), was a popular way to commit suicide in Japan.

- Normal human body temperature is 98.6 °F (37 °C). If you are below 95 °F (35 °C) you are in the state of hypothermia.

- Now obviously if you live in a place where it's always kinda warm you're out of luck.

- There are two ways to do this:

A. On land
1. Go to a cold place, perhaps a mountain, preferrably at night
2. Get naked
3. Wait several hours for your privates to go blue and die (The wind speed has a big influence)

B. In water
- Heat loss in water is much faster than in air. Cold water causes loss of body heat about 27 times as fast as air at the same temperature. When you are getting unconcious you will die by drowning rather than from hypothermia.

1. Get naked
2. Go into cold water
3. Wait several hours

- At a water temperature of 68 °F (20 °C) it can take many hours. If the water has the temperature of 39 °F (4 °C) it should take 2 hours. At a temperature of 32 °F (0 °C) survival time is about half an hour.

- For fat people (= Americans), it will take longer.

P.S. If you absolutely want to die of hypothermia in the water and not by drowning, wear a life jacket.

Hey, thanks for the corrections you've made. You're probably right about slitting your throat, but if it's better than slitting your wrists, why do more people slit their wrists than they do their throats? I guess people who slit their wrists don't really want to die, it's more of a cry for help.

I never mentioned pills cause it's a shitty way to kill yourself. There are so many things that can go wrong -falling asleep before taking enough pills to kill you, people finding you etc. Taking pills is a cry for help also.

When I was talking about hanging, I should have probably said you should weigh yourself to determine the length of the rope. I mean, everybody can find a tree branch that's higher than 16 ft or so, so it'll be impossible for them to hit the ground when they drop. What you should make sure is the rope to be long enough for you to drop and break your neck.

Hypothermia is pretty effective if you can stand the pain for as long as it takes. After a while, you'll pass out before you die, so you don't have to worry about the pain all that much. The only problem with it, like you said is someone finding you.

Go to a Morbid Angel show and start preaching! Insta Dead! I feel that this is the fastest method of suicide personally. Deicide fans would work as well.

Now THAT's a creative way to kill yourself. But I'm guessing it would be very painful. Anyways, keep the suggestions coming...

Oh, umm... about the disposing of your body part... I'll have to think about that one... but if you're so fed up with everything, that you want to kill yourself, why in the hell would you care about how those that find your body would feel? I know I wouldn't.

Guerrilla>>>So, the real meaty question is: You know so much about putting yourself in the fucking ground........WHT THE HELL HAVE YOU NOT DONE YOURSELF IN YET? COmeon man, do us all a big fav, KILL YOURSELF.

do it


You can do it, come on, i Know you can, You can finish this dude., Youve got it in you. DOIT !!!!! DO IT!!!
if i EVER EEEEVER decided to take my own life....i'd want it to be meeeessy and in public.....

like if i my band went somewhere (i prolly wouldn't WANT to kill myself, but lets pretend) it'd prolly in the middle of a show, whip out a shotgun lay my bandmates to waste, then flip the ole shotty around face away from the crowd and try to blast a big ole hole in ma cranium, and hopefully....the crowd will get nice and dirty....

....i highly doubt i'd do this....but its something that runs through my head daily