It appears that the second 5150 is running on the Rhythm channel with no crunch or bright, gain halfway up (fairly clean tone...for a 5150)--bass maxed, mids...all the way off (hard to tell) and treble a bit over half. Presence at 6, resonance at 4?
The first 5150 has the gain at 5, bass all the way up, mids off, and treble on 7 or 8. So, it's basically doing distortion and some EQ-ing and that's about it. Interesting idea---basically the same sort of thing that tons of guys did in the 80s with rack preamps and regular old Marshall heads.
I just listened to rEVOLVEr, One Kill Wonder, and my favorite Haunted album, Made Me Do It. rEVOLVEr's guitar sound cuts through WAY better than the other albums in my opinion.
It's a bit thinner, but considering most of the playing is quick chops, and chugs rather than fatter rhythms I'd say it works well.
I've got a 5150II, but unfortunately no 5150. I'll have to try this with the 'ol Tiny Terror.
the tone on rEVOLVEr is good but does anyone know how one could get a tone like One Kill Wonder? Is it just the overall production? It seriously explodes out of the speakers, it's one of the heaviest tones I think I've ever heard. Listen to the song One Kill Wonder and tell me that doesn't rip your face right off your skull. Any ideas anyone? I googled it a while back but I couldn't seem to find anything.
the tone on rEVOLVEr is good but does anyone know how one could get a tone like One Kill Wonder? Is it just the overall production? It seriously explodes out of the speakers, it's one of the heaviest tones I think I've ever heard. Listen to the song One Kill Wonder and tell me that doesn't rip your face right off your skull. Any ideas anyone? I googled it a while back but I couldn't seem to find anything.