how truly depressed are you?


Spoof Member
Apr 14, 2004
paris, france
im Kind of Depressed


You are such a poser! You slit your wrists for fun and would follow the trends, so if your best friend shot themselves, you'd do it to follow a -trend-
I actually did that one a few days back, I was dissapointingly undepressed, which was sort of odd, since I found it quite depressing doing such a test merely for my own personal entertainment.
Your Results:
Not Really Depressed
You live in the grayish part of life and see things often in white. You're happy, and you like to comfort your hurting friends

Suicidally Depressed
You are longing to kill yourself, you slit your wrists, not for fun, but because you want the world to see your pain



You feel hurt and lost inside, its not funny. You want to die sometimes and can only see the black side of life, nothing other than that

Wow... I didn't know...
Allan said:
Your Results:
Not Really Depressed
You live in the grayish part of life and see things often in white. You're happy, and you like to comfort your hurting friends

i got the same as you alan :)
except i could'nt be arsed copy and pasting :D
Don Corleone said:
that's alice! killer computer game!
yes, I know :) I mean know who she is, but never had a choice to play with it :(
once some of my friends nicknamed me like that because I have a dress in which I look like her (or at last that's what they said, I don't really agree with the fact, but more than one of them stated this :ill: ). They also promised me to bring me the game itself, but I didn't get it yet.
You are depress, when you feel alone and you dont want to be alone. I mean when you thought that your live could have change and it didnt.
What you didnt know, is that it did change not in the way you wanted but it change.

So get over, and get laid or get a cat, or a dog.
If not, get drunk is cheaper.
Your Results:
Suicidally Depressed
You are longing to kill yourself, you slit your wrists, not for fun, but because you want the world to see your pain.

... which is not true, what do you want, with only 4 questions :Smug: