How Will You Listen Blooddrunk?

i think i'll lie on my bed ....possibly with some chocolate...just for fun...and cos im female and it makes me happy ;)
and listen to the whole album.
and then listen again.
and again.
and it will be splendid im sure....

maybe i'll do something else. like listen to it whilst driving, although that may cos some kind of RTA.

who not planning anything in particular...
I think the best way is to just download it and listen to some crappy MP3s through crappy PC speakers while chatting with 3 people on MSN and updating a myspace profile.

That's what I was planning.

But I think I will add some bloodcandles, a bloodskull of some Christian, some weird bloodsign made of bloodcum and I'll listen to it in a bloodbath of bloodblood. Then when I'll press play I think I'll bloodcry so much that I'll bloodpee myself.

No special ritual. When the retarded people at my local store manage to get it I'll buy my copy, and if any single comes out before I'll do the same (might pre-order it or sth). But probably when the CD itself makes his way to my hands I will have listened to the songs a lot. I waited for CRY 6 months since it was released in Finland until I got it, and I won't do the same with Blooddrunk. Every single time I searched YouTube for live vids, 293847293485 vids from CRY popped up, and I had to make a real effort to stop myself not seeing them. I'm definitely not doing that with Blooddrunk, :lol:
I'll download it, and if I have the money I'll buy it. CoB makes enough money imo, and I've bought enough merch and concert tickets, I think I should be able to live with myself if I don't buy it.
first time of my listening to are you dead yet, alexi's sound and vocal like different... so, musical affluences are less than other albums, guitar and keyboard solos were incapable, keyboard was on background.... thats all
Let's see what kind of people we have here, if people you can be called. How have you planned to listen to the album when you finally have it in your hands? And how did you listen to AYDY? first time? Just out of curiosity. I hope I get sophisticated replies.

Through the bordom of interwebz, people like yourself ask the most ridiculous questions ever.
I'll buy it take it home put it on to my Ipod,then I'll listen to something wild then listen to blooddrunk to see how they compare...
ofcourse ill listen to it. Im really looking forward to its release and i think its going to be really good... hopefully its not like AYDY i mean, i thought AYDY was good and all but they had better stuff before that. If I cant listen to a song on Blooddrunk 20 times without getting tired of it i will be pissed
I'll probably put the songs into itunes and put them on my ipod. I'll have to listen to the album 3-4 times before I can say I really appreciate it. I'll probably listen to Tie My Rope first, to get a global idea of the album, since they re-recorded it and it's supposed to be really good.

Interesting thread :).
I shall go buy it, then watch it while masturbating for about an hour or so, then rip it in my computer using EAC and then FINALLY kick everybody out of the living room and put the CD in the DVD Player for ULTRA KICK ASS home theater sound. Then repeat masturbation. When the CD is finished, wipe sperm traces, repeat.
Listening to Something Wild, and listening the new Tie My Rope first after the demo, are considerable ideas which I also thought of.
Why Something Wild? You already know it's going to be nothing like it.

To see how much they've processed in 10 years. It gives a good basis for comparison, to say which areas are how much better.

Then again I think I will not. I'll just calmly put in on the player and get hit by a bus when I start airguitaring at the first solo.
You really act as if this thing will be the best metal album ever released. It's just one album and it won't change the world, damn it!
He acts as someone who is really excited about one of his fav band's new album and wants to know how other fans feel. I'm nor against not for Joonas in general, I know he sometimes says weird things and tends to ''speculate'' a bit over things, but he also makes interesting threads and posts, and IMO this is one of those threads, and if you don't like it it's easier for you: just don't enter the thread :lol: