How would you feel if......


Internationaly known
Jan 18, 2004
Jeffersonville NY
I am trying to settle an argument.

If your significant other had there own business and was traveling every weekend with the certain person they worked for and you come to find out that they had developed feelings for each other. He/she tells you that they have slept together, but didnt have sex.... that they are so close to each other that if He/she wasnt with you they would be with them.

How would you feel/react?
Basically this happened to me with my current girlfriend, but from the other guy's stand.

She was with this other guy, but ended up having feelings for me, slept with me (no sex) several times, got really close to me. Being at the other side of it, I told her that she had to either stop what she was doing with me, or to cut it off with the other guy.

It really sucks, from all the standpoints... I'm sure she feels pretty guilty.
Oh, I didn't find out she was with this other guy until I finally confronted her about why we weren't having sex.
No, not really, her relationship with the other guy was just sexual really... he was a bit of a stupid oaf. She very much disliked her relationship with him.
If the other guy doesn't know, then tell him and see what his reaction is. If he does know, and is willfully messing around with your girlfriend, kick his ass. As for the girl... Do what you want. I'd never talk to her again. I HATE people who do that, and I know I never would.
I am trying to settle an argument.

If your significant other had there own business and was traveling every weekend with the certain person they worked for and you come to find out that they had developed feelings for each other. He/she tells you that they have slept together, but didnt have sex.... that they are so close to each other that if He/she wasnt with you they would be with them.

How would you feel/react?
I have a fairly harsh opinion on this subject. IMO, you're either in a monogamous relationship or you're not. If you are, then you have NO BUSINESS pushing limits. "Does it count if I cross my fingers? What if I don't enjoy it? If I keep one leg on the ground? OK, I'll only use one lip...."

Whatthefuckever. I can't stand game-players.

This has nothing to do with you. Although it may have something to do with your relationship, frankly, it's mostly about her, her values, her willingness to face stuff, blah blah blah.

So ask yourself this -- how do YOU feel. Is this OK with you? What do you WANT to do? Myself, I'd dump the indecisive little twit and help him with his decision. But, like I said, I have a fairly harsh opinion on this sort of thing. It's not about the other person, it's about trust and honesty.

In all fairness, she prolly still likes you, or she'd have just dumped you by now. Also, she prolly does feel guilty, confused, etc. Dunno. Irrelevent. Answer's still the same -- how do you feel?

Just because I also slow down to stare at traffic accidents on the freeway, how'd you "find out?"
cum on her face

seriously, i think it is a thing that you should talk over you have feelings for her and if she has for you and decide. If you don't love her or don't have feelings for her, pack your (or her) suitcase
I think if she's admitted having feelings for the guy AND admitted they sleep together, then it's only a matter of time before they make it official, so to speak. However, the fact that she's telling you up front speaks for her character. If she didn't care about you, she probably wouldn't have bothered telling you. Carrie is right, it's ultimately about how YOU feel.

I'm always for giving people the benefit of the doubt. If she really loves you, then she should know what she's doing is wrong and stop. I'd give her a chance to prove that to me, and if she does, I'd feel really awesome. If she doesn't, I'd move on with my life before it REALLY hurt me.
I would leave. I'm a kind of person that cannot be in something that contradicts my morals. I'm very conservative when it comes to stuff like this. I would never get myself in such situation and
I expect my partner who I trust to respect my morals and values and not to mess around.

But it's of course easy for me to comment on a situation I've never been in. You should decide what is that you want from your partner and the relationship first and then what your actions about the whole matter should be.
Personally, if she was with someone all the time like that, I wouldnt like it but I'd deal with it.

If she told me she had feelings for him, I'd talk about with her for a bit but probably leave her.

If she told me she slept in the same bed with him, I'd dump her on the spot.

But she told me if she wasnt with me she would be with him, I would verbally and mentally "not physically ladies calm down" rape that bitch until she was in tears and on the point of a mental breakdown. I hate whores. I hate them a lot.