If you had amazing powers would you help anyone?

Angel_23 said:
I would probey kill all the people I fugen hate.That would make my life so much better.

Yeah, I would also probably rid the world of pests for the good of all, and also try to stop crime. some of it...:hypno:
i actually have super powers... sort of...
i can see flashes of future but it's really more annoying than cool [seeing really bad shit happen but not quite seeing enough to be able to change anything] cuz it's never been really benificial except last night when i actually saved somebody's life [i'll prolly tell the story later] and also i have a psi-bond with this girl, we can always read each other's thoughts and sometimes i can read other people's thoughts or know the doorbell/phone is going to ring a couple min ahead of time or instantly knowing who's at the door or on the phone when i hear the doorbell/phone
also my hearing gets sharper when my vision gets blurry [hearing shit way way beyond what a normal person should be able to hear] but this only happens when my vision blurs so it's really more of a vistigial safety mechanism [if i'm in hand-to-hand combat and we're both blinded by dust or tear gas in the air/pitch blackness or a blinding flash of light etc etc etc, then i have the advantage because of my heightened hearing]
id use my power to kill people in the most gruesome way (ie: people i hate/ people who hate me, bands i dont like, people who DONT like pantera or slayer or megadeth or anthrax etc.) and to put a curse on people so they end up being put to their death cause i hate them. that would rule.
well if i was extremely popular and influential id just veer people out of rap music alltogether and then reprogram anyone who knew anything about it to FORGET ABOUT IT. all other styles of music could stay though. most of them.....well all of them exept rap and rap influenced styles are pretty respectable. Then id go blow some shit up with my super fire ball powers.
