How you discovered Sym X

How you discovered Sym X

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New Metal Member
Nov 17, 2010
Well, for me, it was probably through Wikipedia. I spend a lot of my free time reading there, and was looking for new metal bands to discover a few years ago. So under the progressive metal section I saw "Symphony X" being mentioned, I read about them, thought they were amazing, and became a fan since then.

what about you?
From a music store. I was checking out the CD's, and asking the seller about their genre, and if they are good and suitable to my taste. I saw this album (V) when it was out in 2000, and immediately liked the cover art and the band name, and asked the seller these questions and got positive answers. I normally prefer to hear some samples before buying an album if possible, but I made an exception and bought this one immediately. (I wasn't using internet then.)
Googled for "most epic metal song ever" (or something similar), and The Odyssey came up. Was not disappointed.
they were mentioned on the old century media forum around 2001, saw V at my local music store, grabbed it, spent the rest of the semester with my roommate playing all the Zelda games with Symphony x as the soundtrack.
I was really into power metal in high school - my friends and I all listened to Kamelot and Helloween. When SX released Paradise Lost I stumbled across Set the World on Fire and liked the power metal-style chorus, so I looked into their music. To my surprise I ended up liking the older stuff better, which is part of what helped get me into "prog."
I was downloading some Rhapsody songs on limewire, bear share, who knows?, and through poor tagging, Of Sins and Shadows was one of them. It sounded different, so I looked it up and saw it was actually Symphony X. I went to a Tower Records the next day and picked up The Odyssey that just came out, V, and DWoT.
I was working at D'Addario strings and the AR guy knew I was into metal. So he gave me TDWOT which the band sent in looking for an endorsement deal. I took it home and was blown away within the first 30 seconds of the album. It became my favorite album at the time, and they became my favorite band.

Just a note... I went to bat for them, but at the time they weren't well known enough to warrant an endorsement deal. Of course, now they have one. LOL!
Saw them open for Blind Guardian in 2002. Having never heard them before, and after an hour and a half of Blind Guardian, Evolution (The Grand Design) was stuck in my head. I knew they were good if that was possible.
I received (at my request) the 4th Allen Lande album, The Great Divide, for Christmas. I already had the other 3 discs and liked them but was hoping this would be better as it was penned by Timo Tolkki of Stratovarious fame, and I wasn't disappointed. I'd bought the previous albums because I liked Lande but felt Russell had really beefup up his vocals on the latest offering and found I liked him better than Lande. I also have all the Star One and Ayreon albums and decided it was time to investigate his work with Symphony X.

I searched this forum and saw that V was their most popular album so took a chance and bought it. Wow. That was earlier this year and soon after I bought all their albums bar the self titled which doesn't feature Russell.

What a journey. I agree with the forumers that V was their finest work (until Underworld) but all the albums contain some magic. The change of direction isn't an issue to me as I came into their music all at once and I actually think they are going the right way. I like The Damnation Game but I would have been very disappointed if they had gone back to this with Underworld.