Howdy! How have you all been?


Nonchalant Onlooker
May 5, 2001
My warmest greetings to you all! Damn, a lot of new faces around here since I last stopped by. :)

Being unemployed is actually pretty fun if you can tackle the fact that you can't haul a sixpack home every night. Well, I can manage that since I've had lots of time for all kinds of 'forgotten' projects I've fired up some time ago: I just finished recording guitars for a new moody ambient instrumental track I've been working on lately. I think I'll do some clean vocals for it as well. :p Heh, there's something for you to look forward to. I am.

I'd also like to take this chance to publicize the new Thales site I have conjured up with HoserHellspawn (and Hearse's friend who drew the new logo).
(If you're on a 56k modem or something it'll take some time to load the font I've used on the site. Sorry about that, but it does add a lot to the overrall look :p)

Oh well, I think I'll go have a smoke and freeze my ass. -20 Celcius (-4 Fahrenheit) isn't an exaggeration.. :bah:

Oh yeah: how have you guys and gals been behaving? :heh:
Originally posted by wobbo
1 pretty stupid question to Orchid and Hearse....
cause u are both from finland...

is there by any chance the same Orchid and Hearse that i have met while playing Quake and so.. hehehe, just had to ask...

LOL :lol:

Yeah, we're the same wankers. I suppose I should know you, then? =)

Damn, this is the last place I would have expected to stumble into someone else from the Scandinavian LMCTF scene. ;)
Hey Orchid, it's nice to see you finally got over that whole BRI/ Advent thing..:grin: and now that you're back maybe we can finally get Hearse to stop riding that goddamn laser.

nice site btw... do you guys have somebody singing now, or fuckin what?
Hey there Orchid, BIG *hugs* to you!
I just got the Thales newsletter and was perusing the new design! How exciting...VERY cool!
I really like the new logo, the layout and the font you's all good!
Congratulations to Thales and Hoser!
"I think I'll do some clean vocals for it as well." :cool:
It's 26 degrees today :p
Keep in touch, cigarettes suck...:goggly: