Hows this sound(5150 inside)

Thanks dude, umm drums used cubase EQ and a lot of multiband comp.
There a mix of steven slate and joeys black and gold samples.

i just got my 5150 rebuilt so its like all brand new inside, and has brand new JJ's.
and EG on the guitars were just a high pass filter at 200HZ and low pass filter just taking enough fuzz off the guitars.

and for that i used the reaper standard EQ plugin.

vocals are compressed to hell, and the dudes vocals were not the best take so i just lowered them down in the mix. they are coming back and redoing the vocals and we are going to retrack guitars because i feel they could have got stuff a little tighter.
awww...2 bad u didn't tune the guitars... because of that the clip sounds bad to me!
OHH yeah lol, yeah i realize that they were out of tune after we tracked, the guitar we were using was one of theres and i hated it, it wouldn't stay in tune, the pickups were weak, We are actually having to go back and retrack all the guitars for the EP in a couple days with a EC1000, so when we do that, ill be posting the version of the sound and probably some more songs off the EP, the rest of there songs are a lot different then this one also.